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Technical competence with ISO 17025 standard

At the beginning of January 2019, the High Throughput Sequencing Core Facility and the Microarray Core Facility were accredited according to the international standard DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 which defines the competence requirements for testing and calibration laboratories. The compliance with ISO 17025 is secured through accreditation by a national accreditation body (DAkkS) and independent internal audits.

The DIN  ISO 17025 standard is applied to the following Services:

The current annex to our accreditation certificate contains the accredited parameters and can be downloaded here:

The key objectives of our quality management system include:

  • Ensuring the highest possible quality of the services we offer.
  • Objective proof of the quality and competence of the units according to international standards
  • Implementation of internal and external quality controls for quality assurance of laboratory procedures (e.g. carrying out standardised control samples and participation in proficiency-testing programs / lab comparison tests).
  • Shortest possible turnaround time for the analyses due to efficiently organized workflows.
  • All team members are highly qualified, undergo regular further training and are used to acting on their own responsibility.
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