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Cancer-TRAX Program

Program Outline


The Cancer Transitional Research And EXchange Program (Cancer-TRAX) within the German-Israeli Helmholtz International Research School is a new interdisciplinary advanced training program in cancer research to support the scientific career development of early stage researchers.

Continuing the collaboration between the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) and the Weizmann Institute of Science (WIS), the Cancer-TRAX program offers its fellows a unique opportunity to receive interdisciplinary, top-level scientific training in an international setting, preparing them for an internationally-competitive scientific career.

The Cancer-TRAX program features four funding tracks for PhD and MSc students to develop collaborative projects with the Weizmann Institute of Science.

Testimonial: Lisa Buchauer


PhD-to-Postdoc and Women-in-Science fellow, 2018-2019.

Postdoc (EMBO Long-Term Fellowship holder) at Weizmann until 2021, now working at a BioTech/MedTech start-up (immunai) in Tel Aviv.


"I recommend the Cancer-TRAX program to anyone interested in doing research in Israel or even anyone considering a career in research. The program provides a perfect training ground for starting collaborations, conceiving projects, writing and interviewing for grants and adapting to a new culture. Further, it equips fellows with a first sense of partial research independence and the responsibility that comes with it. In addition, I was lucky to participate in the Women-in-Science track which provided me with additional support with family-related expenses and organizational matters. The organizational support from the DKFZ and the WIS is strong and makes moving extremely easy."

MSc-to-PhD Track: Research internships for master students

The Cancer-TRAX Program offers travel grants for DKFZ/WIS master students for a 3-month research stay at the partner institute.

PhD-to-Postdoc Track: Transition funding for senior PhD students

The Cancer-TRAX Program provides funding for up to 2-years, following the end of the third year of their PhD, to students who wish to establish a longer-term collaboration with the partner laboratory. The funding period will act as a bridging postdoc position, offering the participants a unique career development opportunity.


Women-in-Science Track: Supporting outstanding female scientists

One of the goals of the Cancer-TRAX Program is to encourage particularly talented female PhD students to pursue an academic career through a dedicated “Women in Science” program. The Women in Science Track promotes international mobility of talented young female scientists through a flexible collaboration model, which complements the gender equality polices and measures to promote compatibility of work and family life at both institutes.

Short-Term-Visit Track: Travel grants for associate members

The Cancer-TRAX Program provides short-term travel grants to DKFZ/WIS PhD students who wish to address a particular aspect of their thesis project through a short research visit of up to 3 months to a laboratory at the partner institute.

How to apply

For information about how to apply to the Cancer-TRAX program please click here.

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