Joint Training Programs & Collaborations

German-Israeli Helmholtz Research Schools

Based on a long tradition of scientific interaction between the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) in Heidelberg/Germany and the Weizmann Institute of Science (WIS) in Rehovot/Israel, the German-Israeli Helmholtz International Research School in Cancer Biology has been established. This Research School is a joint PhD study program of the DKFZ International PhD Program and the Feinberg Graduate School of the WIS.

Find out more about this joint training program here.

Helmholtz Information & Data Science School for Health

The German Cancer Research Center has joined forces with the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and Heidelberg University to establish the Helmholtz Information & Data Science School for Health (HIDSS4Health). HIDSS4Health exists to attract, promote and train the best young talents in the research interface between data science and health-related applications.

HIDSS4Health offers a structured doctoral training program embedded in a highly interdisciplinary research environment, bringing together experts from the data and life sciences. The scientific curriculum is complemented by training measures that provide doctoral researchers with the key qualifications expected from future leaders in science and industry. All HIDSS4Health PhD students whose primary affiliation is the DKFZ are also members of the DKFZ International PhD Program.

The Helmholtz Information & Data Science Academy

As domain scientists from all research fields need to be equipped with knowledge, methods and tools in the areas of Information & Data Science, a training and education initiative for researchers in the Helmholtz Association has been established. The Helmholtz Information & Data Science Academy (HIDA) will coordinate networking, education and training activities throughout the entire Helmholtz Association. It bundles the resources of all Information & Data Science Schools (HIDSS), including HIDSS4Health.

Cancer Prevention Graduate School

The Cancer Prevention Graduate School (CPGS) was initiated in Autumn 2022 as the first graduate school for cancer prevention research in Germany. The CPGS is funded by the Deutsche Krebshilfe with three million euros from 2022-2026. The CPGS coordination office is located at the DKFZ in Heidelberg. CPGS Fellows complete a comprehensive training program for excellent PhD candidates to become experts in cancer prevention research. 

CoViPa / PrePaRe

Within the research consortium Corona Virus Pathogenesis (CoViPa), the Research School Preparedness for Pandemics Research (PrePaRe) studies how infections with SARS-CoV-2 cause disease and extrapolates gained knowledge about conditions and mechanisms driving COVID-19 pathogenesis to other viruses with pandemic potential. The consortium brings together scientists from 7 Helmholtz Centers across 4 Helmholtz Research Areas, and 3 university partners. PrePaRe offers a comprehensive program consisting of monthly online master classes, professional skill workshops, and an exchange program between CoViPa working groups, facilitating the acquisition of interdisciplinary scientific methods and technologies. 

International PhD Student Cancer Conference

Since 2007, the International PhD Student Cancer Conference (IPSCC) brings together PhD students from Europe’s top cancer research institutes annually and is organized by PhD students for PhD students. During the IPSCC, PhD students have an opportunity to network with PhD students at other top cancer research institutes across Europe, promoting the mobility of early career researchers across Europe. 


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