Clinician Scientist Program

To translate DKFZ’s world-class science into clinical practice, the DKFZ offers physicians during their residency or shortly thereafter the opportunity to enhance their careers by gaining experience in an interdisciplinary and dynamic research environment. Clinician Scientists are provided with protected time to perform research and tailored mentoring to advance their scientific careers.

The call for the Clinician Scientist ­Fellowships 2025 is open

DKFZ Clinician Scientist Fellowships are offered to physicians who are conducting specialized medical training and who wish to enhance their careers by gaining research experience. The fellowships are distinguished by protected research time, comprehensive training offers and intersectoral mentoring relationships.
“Through our DKFZ Clinician Scientist Fellowships we provide the much needed time for Clinician Scientists in training to focus on a research project for an extended period of time. This will foster the uptake of new research results into the clinical practice.”

Prof. Dr. med. Dr. h.c. Michael Baumann - Chairman and Scientific Director German Cancer Research Center

The need for Clinician Scientists

Clinician Scientists are vital to advancing cancer research and medical knowledge because they bridge the gap between clinical practice and research. Their unique position as both practitioners and researchers allows them to address pressing medical challenges, innovate in patient care, and translate scientific discoveries into real-world applications.

The Clinician Scientist Program at DKFZ aims to provide the structure and support system to train early-career physicians interested in expanding their experience in research.

Are you interested in joining the DKFZ as a Clinician Scientist?

Join our more than 1,300 scientists who actively investigate how cancer develops, identify cancer risk factors, and endeavor to find new strategies to prevent people from getting cancer and make the treatment of cancer patients more successful. Learn about prestigious funding options and way to join the DKFZ as a clinician scientist.

Clinician Scientists at DKFZ

Read what Clinician Scientist Fellows say about their goals, the chalenges and the scientific projects.

Clinician Scientist Baden-Württemberg Netzwerk

The Clinician Scientist Baden-Württemberg Network connects the medical faculties of Heidelberg, Mannheim, Ulm, Tübingen, and Freiburg, as well as the DKFZ. The network supports Clinician Scientists across all partner institutions and aims to promote translational medicine through close collaboration between clinic and research. Clinician Scientists of all instituts gather annually for the Clinician Scientist Baden-Württemberg Networking Event, with the next one scheduled for 4 of July 2025 in Ulm.

Contact us

If you have any questions or would like to get in touch with the team of the Clinician Scientist Program Office, please contact us.

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