Scientific Core Facilities and Services

Scientists at DKFZ and its partner sites have access to a broad portfolio of research infrastructures, including Core Facilities, as well as data management and IT-services. Core Facilities provide access to cutting-edge instrumentation, user support, and technology development. Data management and IT-services address IT infrastructure needs and offer tools for organizing and managing research data properly.

News from our Core Facilities

DKFZ Core Facilities and Services are listed below according to their area of specialty.

Genome, Epigenome & Transcriptome



Cellular and Preclinical Imaging

Cytometry and Screening

Whole Tissue Analysis

Reagents and Resources for Cancer Research

Animal Services

Research Data Management

Library and IT Services

Enabling Technology Department

The Enabling Technology Department is headed by the Chief Enabling Technology Officer Prof. Elisa May. She oversees the following Core Facilities: Antibodies, Cellular Tools, Chemical Biology (with EMBL), Dieter Morszeck Biorepository, Electron Microscopy, Flow Cytometry, Light Microscopy, Microarray, Next Generation Sequencing, Proteomics, Single Cell OpenLab, Small Animal Imaging, and the Scullery. The Department is also involved in two projects on biomage data management: the DFG project "Information Infrastructure for BioImage Data Management – I3D:bio", and the consortium "NFDI4BioImage" in the National Research Data Infrastructure NFDI, where Prof. May serves as a Co-Speaker.

  • Employee image

    Prof. Dr. Elisa May

    Chief Enabling Technology Officer

    +49 6221 42 2682
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    Sigrid Ruder

    CETO Assistant and Secretariat

    +49 6221 42 2017
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    Dr. Laura Pelz

    Core Facility Coordinator and CETO Assistant

    +49 6221 42 2014
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    Dr. Christian Schmidt

    Scientific Project Manager Research Data Management Microscopy

    +49 6221 42 2657

List of Technologies

Here you can find a searchable database of our equipment and service portfolio.

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