Dagmar Sitek
The library is responsible for providing the scientific information required by the center's employees. It also supports researchers in all questions relating to the scientific communication process. Futhermore, it is responsible for the DKFZ publication database and the DKFZ archive. Services in the area of research data management are also offered. There are 22 bright, quiet workstations available in the reading room.

Welcome to the DKFZ library website

Reading room opening hours:
Mon - Fri: 9 am - 8 pm
Service hours:
Mon - Fri: 9 am - 4 pm
The reading room of the DKFZ library is open to all interested persons. You will find us in the documentation building (INF 280) on the 1st floor.
You can find our online catalog here: CaRLO
The library is responsible for providing the information and scientific literature required by DKFZ employees. This includes the licensing of electronic resources, such as electronic journals, e-books or databases, as well as the lending of the printed monographs available in the reading room.
The available holdings can be searched via the online catalog CaRLO (Cancer Research Library Online). Publications that are not available in the collection can be ordered via the document delivery service.
The library has concluded license agreements with the respective providers for the licensed electronic resources. Please note that access is only permitted under the terms of use of the respective rights holder. These conditions can be found on the respective homepages. By accessing the texts, the user agrees to them.
The following generally applies to the use of these resources:
The full texts may only be printed or saved for personal use and for research purposes.
Systematic downloading of articles, e-books or other full texts as well as search results, in particular by robots or similar software, is prohibited.
Articles or other electronic resources may not be passed on to third parties or used commercially, either electronically or in printed form.
CaRLO (Cancer Research Library Online) provides an overview of the holdings of the DKFZ library and its divisions. There is also access to the licensed electronic resources. If you have any questions, suggestions or feedback, please contact Ms. Dagmar Sitek.
Access to CaRLO:
The electronic journals licensed by the library can be searched via the Electronic Journals Library (EZB). The journal content can be accessed directly via the EZB link if the title is licensed. Whether this is the case is indicated by the traffic light color.
Articles from journals for which no license exists can be requested via the document delivery service.
Link to the Electronic Journals Library (EZB)
For licensing reasons, access to the electronic journals is only possible for DKFZ employees.
It is important to the library that the journal holdings are adapted to the needs of the users. We are therefore happy to receive acquisition suggestions.
The library has concluded license agreements with the respective providers for the licensed electronic resources. It should be noted that access is only permitted under the terms of use of the respective rights holder. These conditions can be found on the respective homepages. By accessing the texts, the user agrees to them.
The following generally applies to the use of these resources:
The full texts may only be printed out or saved for personal use and for research purposes.
Systematic downloading of articles, e-books or other full texts as well as search results, in particular by robots or similar software, is prohibited.
Articles or other electronic resources may not be passed on to third parties or used commercially, either electronically or in printed form.
The library's book holdings (both electronic and printed) are listed in the online catalog CaRLO. Printed books can be borrowed by DKFZ staff. It is possible to send the desired books to the divisions. Licensed e-books can be accessed directly via the link integrated in CaRLO.
Books not in the library's collection can be requested via the document delivery service. Missing e-books can be searched for via the e-book platform ProQuest Ebook Central Titles can be read there free of charge for 5 minutes. After these free minutes have expired, it is possible to submit a purchase or short-term loan request for the book to the library. For licensing reasons, access to the e-books is only available to DKFZ employees.
It is important to the library that the monograph collection is adapted to the needs of the users. We are therefore happy to receive acquisition suggestions.
The library has concluded license agreements with the respective providers for the licensed electronic resources. Please note that access is only permitted under the terms of use of the respective rights holder. These conditions can be found on the respective homepages. By accessing the texts, the user agrees to them.
The following generally applies to the use of these resources:
The full texts may only be printed out or saved for personal use and for research purposes.
Systematic downloading of articles, e-books or other full texts as well as search results, in particular by robots or similar software, is prohibited.
Articles or other electronic resources may not be passed on to third parties or used commercially, either electronically or in printed form.
The following databases are available:
- PubMed (Biomedical Literature Database)
- Web of Science (Scientific Literature and Citation Database)
- Journal Citation Report (Impact Factor)
- Scopus (Scientific Literature and Citation Database)
- Cochrane (Evidence-Based Data Collection for Healthcare)
- Scifinder (Chemische Informationsdatenbank)
- Springer Protocols (Protocols for the Life Sciences)
- Depatisnet (Patent Database of the DPMA)
- Espacenet (Patent Database of the EPA)
- Livivo (Search Portal for Life Science Literature)
For licensing reasons, access to the databases is only possible for DKFZ employees.
It is important to the library that the range of databases is adapted to the needs of the users. We are therefore happy to receive suggestions for acquisitions.
The library has concluded license agreements with the respective providers for the licensed electronic resources. Please note that access is only permitted under the terms of use of the respective rights holder. These conditions can be found on the respective homepages. By accessing the texts, the user agrees to them.
The following generally applies to the use of these resources:
The full texts may only be printed or saved for personal use and for research purposes.
Systematic downloading of articles, e-books or other full texts as well as search results, in particular by robots or similar software, is prohibited.
Articles or other electronic resources may not be passed on to third parties or used commercially, either electronically or in printed form.
The library offers numerous services to ensure the provision of the required scientific information. Please contact us if you are missing a service or cannot find an adequate answer to your question. Further services in the context of the scientific communication process can be found under: Scientific publishing. Please note that the website is currently still under construction and further services will be added continuously.
The holdings of the freely accessible reading room of the library can be borrowed by DKFZ employees. The loan period is 4 weeks. Multiple renewals are possible. The holdings can be searched via CaRLO. We are also happy to send books to the divisions via in-house mail.
If the book you are looking for is not in the library's collection, you can suggest it for purchase or order it informally by e-mail free of charge for loan.
Contact for renewals:
Tel.: 06221/42-3662
Contact for further questions:
Tel.: 06221/42-3661
Lending of e-books
Proquest Ebook Central is a platform with which you can access individual e-books licensed by the DKFZ library from various publishers. However, unlicensed e-books can also be requested for short-term borrowing. With your DKFZ login, you can read each book once for 5 minutes free of charge and request a short loan or the purchase of access from the library management via a button.
Link to the platform:
DKFZ staff can order documents that are not in the library's collection via the document delivery service. This service is usually free of charge.
Interlibrary loan requests can be sent informally by e-mail to the library.
In the case of urgent requests, please contact the library in addition to placing an order.
Delivery of e-books
Unlicensed e-books can be requested for short-term loan via the Proquest Ebook Central platform. With your DKFZ login, you can read each book once for 5 minutes free of charge and request the short loan or the purchase of access from the library management via a button.
Link to the platform:
The acquisition of media is also carried out centrally for the divisions via the library.
An informal order stating the cost center and the account assignment object is sufficient. It is not necessary to place an order via eBiss (BANF).
Taking into account discounts granted to the library, the most cost-effective way of procuring the item for the division is checked. Printed works are listed in the library catalog (CaRLO).
In the case of urgent orders, please contact the library in addition to placing your order.
Annika Diederichs
Tel.: 06221/42-3661
Andrea Heppert
Tel.: 06221/42-3669
At the DKFZ, the use of a registered laboratory notebook (printed or electronic) for the documentation of laboratory work is mandatory.
The laboratory notebook contains the essential records of scientific work - be it for the documentation of research, for patenting or as a legally valid document.
Laboratory notebooks are issued in a personalized form and cannot be transferred.
It is the property of the DKFZ and may not be taken away when leaving the DKFZ. may not be taken with you when you leave the DKFZ. According to the DFG guidelines for safeguarding good research practice, laboratory notebooks must be kept for at least 10 years. If they cannot be stored in the division, they can be archived by the library.
Issued by the library/collected from the library:
Documentation building, 1st floor, room D124
Mon - Fri: 9 am - 4 pm
The lab book is also sent by internal mail. For employees of external locations, the lab notebook is sent by post.
Informal order by e-mail
Annika Diederichs
Phone: 06221/42-3661
Pick up lab notebook for other persons:
Authorization to pick up lab notebooks for other persons (DKFZ employees only)
The library's reading room is open to everyone (including external users). There are 22 workstations and free WLAN. In addition to bright workstations, a scanner, printer and photocopier are available for use. Depending on availability, a meeting room can also be booked for group work or virtual meetings, for example. DKFZ employees can book this independently via the portal.
The Central Library offers various training courses on databases, publishing and the academic communication process. You can find a current offer in the Training Portal.
Please contact us if you are missing something or need individual training. We will be happy to advise you individually or prepare a training course for your division that is tailored to your needs.
Contact person:
Dagmar Sitek, Tel.: 06221/42-2245, E-Mail
Andrea Heppert, Tel.: 06221/42-3669, E-Mail
Our regular training courses at a glance:
(Dates and registration via the Training Portal)
PubMed introduction
In this introduction, you will learn how the PubMed database works and the tools it uses and receive tips on setting up a search strategy with MeSH and your own terms.
Dates can be booked via the Training Portal: "PubMed - Introduction" (90 min.)
Contact: Andrea Heppert, Tel.: 06221/42-3669, E-Mail
Plagiarism check
In this information event you will learn under which conditions your scientific work can be checked for text similarities with already published literature at the DKFZ and how you can use the report of the test.
Dates can be booked via the Training Portal: "Get your thesis checked for plagiarism" (30 min.)
Contact: Andrea Heppert, Tel.: 06221/42-3669, E-Mail or Dagmar Sitek, Tel.: 06221/42-2245, E-Mail
The know-how to publish
This course deals with a wide range of topics related to the scientific communication process: What do I have to consider so that my article is optimally cited? - How can I increase visibility? - How do I protect myself against predatory publishing? - What do I need to consider when using scientific social networks? and much more.
Dates can be booked via the training portal: "The know-how to publish" (90 min)
Contact: Dagmar Sitek, Tel.: 06221/42-2245, E-Mail
Scientific publishing
The library offers numerous services to support researchers in the context of the scientific communication process. Please contact us if you are missing a service or cannot find an adequate answer to your question. You can find further offers for information procurement under: Services. Please note that the website is currently still under construction and further services will be added continuously.
Publication figures are generally required for evaluations, (project) proposals, applications, etc. The requirements in this area are very different and individual. For example, author-related indicators (e.g. citation figures or h-index), journal-related indicators (e.g. impact factors or citation figures) or publication lists are requested.
If you have such questions, you can contact the library's bibliometrics team. They will be happy to assist you with
- the determination of key figures for (project) proposals, applications, etc.
- the creation of bibliometric profiles, publication lists, etc.
- Creating and maintaining author identifiers (ORCiD etc.)
- Creating search strings and alerts for specific questions
- Further questions of all kinds on this topic
Andrea Heppert
Tel.: 06221/42-3669
Annika Diederichs
Tel.: 06221/42-3661
Publications that are freely accessible have increased visibility as they are available to a wider readership. In addition to this advantage, almost all research funders now also require that research results from projects they fund must be made “open access”.
The DKFZ does not have an Open Access publication fund, so Article Processing Charges (APCs) generally have to be borne by the divisions. However, there are license agreements with some publishers that contain Open Access components. In these cases, either discounts are granted on the APCs or they are covered by the subscription fees, so that no costs are incurred by the divisions.
Caution: fraudulent open access publishers
There is a large number of publishers that do not offer reputable publication procedures. It is not permitted to publish in such journals. Publishers and journals that are not known should be checked for reputability before submitting an article. In any case, they should be listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals ( If in doubt, please contact the library, which will assist you with the check.
Especially for articles in Golden Open Access journals, publishers offer researchers the opportunity to select a CC license for their articles. If possible, the CC BY license should always be selected, as it offers the most comprehensive reuse. There are a few research funders who demand a CC BY license for publications resulting from their funding and do not accept a stricter CC as “open access”. See also CC licenses.
Tel.: 06221/42-3661
With the iThenticate plagiarism software, texts can be checked for similarities with previously published literature and web content before submission or submission.
iThenticate finds similar text passages and thus helps to improve the quality of a publication. In the results report, text similarities are marked and linked to the corresponding sources, so that it is possible to check the marked parts of the text and make improvements if necessary.
This test is voluntary and free of charge and can be requested from the library using the following form. Please note the following before submitting your request Information sheet.
Submit the signed form and the work by e-mail or at the library.
Documentation building, 1st floor, room D124
Mon - Fri: 9 am - 4 pm
Dagmar Sitek
Tel.: 06221/42-2245
The library offers a number of services to support researchers in research data management. Please contact us if you are missing a service or cannot find an adequate answer to your question. Please note that the website is currently still under construction and additional services are being added continuously.
The following page presents tools that can be helpful in all areas of the scientific communication process and for which a usage license is available for DKFZ employees. These include, for example, literature management programs, educational training, identifier systems, etc. Please feel free to contact us if you are missing a tool that you think is helpful or if you cannot find a suitable tool for a specific task.
Publication database
All publications with a DKFZ affiliation (partner organizations see publication guidelines) must be entered in the publication database. It forms the basis for the collection of publication-based key figures. It is freely accessible via the Internet. The library imports the DKFZ-affiliated articles from the databases Web of Science (WoS, ISI-referenced), Scopus and PubMed into the publication database on a daily basis and prepares them accordingly. Articles from journals that are not indexed in these databases, as well as all other document types such as dissertations and habilitations that are recorded in the publication database, must be entered into the publication database promptly by the authors or those responsible for publication themselves. The bibliographic data of the entries are edited by the library. The division/(junior) group leader is responsible for checking the completeness of the publications entered.
The following document types are recorded in the publication database:
- Journal articles (published)
- Dissertations that were supervised by DKFZ scientists. Prerequisite for scientific supervision: Doctoral candidates conduct research using resources (personnel, material resources) and spend the majority of their doctorate at/for the DKFZ. The year of publication is the calendar year of the last examination. Doctoral candidates are obliged to make a copy of their dissertation, either digital or printed, available to the library. It will be published in the publication database.
- Habilitations, if these are to be published
- Diploma, Master's and Bachelor's theses, if these are to be published
- Published special issues of journals
- Book chapters
- Books
- Published books
- Patents
- Reports
- Conference proceedings
- Proceedings
- Preprints
- Research data published as an independent publication (e.g. datasets)
Not included:
- Posters
- Meeting abstracts
- Presentations, other oral contributions or discussions in front of third parties
- Website content and posts on social media
Link to the publication database:
Manual for entries in the publication database.
Further information can be found in the DKFZ Publication Guidelines. The DKFZ Publication Guidelines regulate the rights and obligations of authors of scientific publications of the DKFZ and those scientists who are associated with the DKFZ within the framework of research cooperations/partnerships.
Iris Lippert
Tel.: 06221/42-3665
DKFZ documents are archived in the DKFZ archive in accordance with the Baden-Württemberg State Archive Act. This includes, for example, minutes, correspondence, photos, slides, films, sound recordings, estates, collections of letters, construction files, files on the acquisition of large equipment, etc. These documents must be handed over to the archive. These documents must be handed over to the archive and may not be disposed of without prior agreement.
Kerstin Dierschke-Jancke
Tel.: 06221/42-3655
Further information can be found in the flyer.
The library team
Opening hours:
The reading room is open Monday to Friday from 9 am to 8 pm.
Our service hours are Mondays to Fridays from 9 am - 4 pm.
The reading room of the DKFZ library is open to all interested persons. You will find us in the documentation building (INF 280) on the 1st floor.
General information
Library Service Desk
Open Access
Open Access
Document delivery