
This accessibility statement applies to the website The German Cancer Research Center endeavors to make the website accessible in accordance with the national legislation implementing Directive (EU) 2016/2102 of the European Parliament and of the Council. The legal basis is the Disability Equality Act (BGG) and the Accessible Information Technology Ordinance (BITV) as amended.

A large part of the requirements of BITV 2.0 in the current version from summer 2019 have been implemented. The website is therefore largely compatible with the requirements of the BITV. We have also carried out an internal accessibility check. Improvements are continuously in progress.

This declaration was created on 22.09.2020.

Last update: 15.08.2022

Report barrier - contact and feedback

If you notice any deficiencies in the accessible design of, you can contact the Strategic Communications and Public Relations Office.

German Cancer Research Center
Strategic Communications and Public Relations
Im Neuenheimer Feld 280
69120 Heidelberg
Phone: +49 6221 422854
E-mail: presse(at)

Where might you encounter barriers?

  • Some PDF download files are not barrier-free.
  • There is no sign language page available yet. This will be implemented as soon as possible.
  • Some videos are not fully dubbed/subtitled. We are working on improving this further.
  • Content that is not aimed at the general public is not optimized.
  • According to the BITV/WCAG assessment, accessibility is only partially fulfilled on some pages. We are working on improving this further.

Conciliation procedure

If you believe that you have been disadvantaged by the inadequate accessibility of, you can contact the BGG conciliation body:

Arbitration Board under the Disability Equality Act at the Federal Government Commissioner for Matters relating to Persons with Disabilities
Mauerstraße 53
10117 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 18 527 2805


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