
The DKFZ is Germany's largest biomedical research institute and a national center for cancer research. Through its regional locations, it connects outstanding science with the unique strengths of each region, setting new standards in modern cancer research.

Die Deutschlandkarte zeigt die Standorte des Deutschen Krebsforschungszentrums (DKFZ) und seiner Partner. Heidelberg ist Hauptsitz des DKFZ (blau). Das NCT (grün) ist in Berlin, Dresden, Heidelberg, Würzburg, Erlangen, Regensburg, Augsburg, Stuttgart, Ulm und Tübingen vertreten. Das DKTK (dunkelblau) hat Standorte in Berlin, Dresden, Essen, Frankfurt, Freiburg, Heidelberg, Köln, München und Tübingen. Die NAKO (hellblau) ist in Düsseldorf, Essen, Frankfurt, Mannheim, München und Saarbrücken aktiv. Eine Farblegende ordnet die Institutionen zu.
Luftaufnahme des Campus Neuenheimer Feld in Heidelberg. Zahlreiche moderne Gebäude mit Flachdächern sind von Grünflächen umgeben. Im Hintergrund der Neckar, Brücken und die Stadt Heidelberg.

DKFZ Heidelberg: Excellence in the Neuenheimer Feld

The DKFZ headquarters are located in Heidelberg, one of the most important scientific cities in Germany. In Neuenheimer Feld, one of the largest campus locations in Europe, the DKFZ works in close proximity to Heidelberg University, the University Hospital and numerous other research institutes. This unique environment promotes interdisciplinary exchange and creates optimal conditions for excellent cancer research. State-of-the-art infrastructure and high-tech laboratories enable groundbreaking research results and the development of innovative therapies. As part of the Heidelberg Science Cluster, the DKFZ actively contributes to cutting-edge international research.
Visualisierung des neuen Gebäudes für den DKFZ Standort Dresden
Das Bild zeigt die Visualisierung des neuen Gebäudes für den DKFZ Standort Dresden, Ansicht von der Nordseite, Haupteingang

DKFZ Dresden site: Pioneering solutions at the high-tech site in Dresden

The DKFZ Dresden site, established in summer 2019, is the first nationwide branch of the DKFZ and is located on the campus of Dresden’s University Hospital. In collaboration with TU Dresden, its University Hospital, and the NCT and DKTK sites, the focus in Dresden is on technological innovations such as smart sensors and artificial intelligence to improve tumor diagnostics and therapy. With its high-tech profile, Dresden provides an ideal environment to significantly expand the DKFZ's technology-oriented cancer research portfolio. Together with the Free State of Saxony, a new state-of-the-art research building is under construction, co-financed by tax funds based on the budget approved by the Saxon State Parliament.
Learn more about the DKFZ Site Dresden
Netzwerkdiagramm des Nationalen Centrums für Tumorerkrankungen (NCT) mit sieben Standorten, verbunden durch blaue Linien. Die Standorte sind: DKFZ, Heidelberg, West, SüdWest, Berlin, Dresden und WERA. Oben das NCT-Logo mit grün-blauem Kreis und Schriftzug „NCT“. Im Hintergrund ein unscharfes Foto eines Labors mit einer Person in weißem Kittel und blauen Handschuhen, die eine Pipette hält.

The NCT: cutting-edge research and patient care at 6 locations

The National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT) is a long-term collaboration between the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), leading university medical centers, and other outstanding research partners across Germany. It operates at the following locations: Berlin, Dresden, Heidelberg, SüdWest (Tübingen-Stuttgart/Ulm), WERA (Würzburg with partners in Erlangen, Regensburg, and Augsburg), and West (Essen/Cologne). By conducting innovative clinical studies, the NCT combines cutting-edge research with patient-centered cancer care. Patients are valued as equal research partners and are actively involved in all processes. This approach provides access to state-of-the-art diagnostics and groundbreaking therapies, setting new standards in cancer research.
Learn more about the NCT

The DKTK: Networked throughout Germany at 8 locations

The German Cancer Consortium (“Deutsches Konsortium für Translationale Krebsforschung”, DKTK) is a joint, long-term initiative of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), the participating federal states and the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) as the core center. Scientists and clinicians from more than 20 university hospitals and academic research institutions with particular expertise in oncology have been successfully pooling their strengths in the fight against cancer in translation centers at eight DKTK sites since 2012. As one of the German Centers for Health Research (“Deutsche Zentren der Gesundheitsforschung”, DZG), the DKTK contributes through translational research to bring advances in prevention, diagnostics, early detection and therapy of cancer into application for patients more quickly.
Learn more about the DKTK
Mehrteiliges, modernes Gebäudekomplex mit rechteckigen Fassaden in unterschiedlichen Grautönen. Im Vordergrund eine grüne Wiese mit Büschen.

HI-TRON: cutting-edge research at the biote­chnology location Mainz

At the Helmholtz Institute for Translational Oncology Mainz (HI-TRON Mainz), the German Cancer Research Center collaborates with the Translational Oncology Research Institute at the University Medical Center of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (TRON gGmbH), the University Medical Center Mainz, and Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz. This partnership combines the internationally recognized expertise of the partners in personalized immunotherapy with the translational cancer research excellence of the DKFZ. Located in Mainz, a leading hub for science and innovation, HI-TRON integrates exceptional expertise and cutting-edge technologies to advance innovative cancer treatment methods.
zur HI-TRON-Website
Gruppe von 16 Personen steht in einem Eingangsbereich und blickt nach oben in die Kamera. Die Personen tragen Namensschilder und sind in Business-Casual-Kleidung gekleidet.

DKFZ-Hector Cancer Institute: Research and clini­c united in Mannheim

The DKFZ-Hector Cancer Institute at the University Medical Center Mannheim is a long-term collaboration between the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), the Mannheim University Hospital, and the Medical Faculty Mannheim of Heidelberg University, generously supported by the Hector Foundation II. The Mannheim location integrates translational and patient-centered cancer research with a state-of-the-art clinical infrastructure. This close partnership enables the direct translation of scientific discoveries into innovative approaches for prevention, diagnosis, and therapy, while also utilizing insights from clinical practice to advance cancer research (reverse translation).
About the DKFZ-Hector Cancer Institute

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