Rental of conference facilities

The conference and meeting rooms of the DKFZ Communication Center are also available for rent to external organizers, provided they are of a scientific, socio-political or cultural nature.

Großes, lichtdurchflutetes Foyer mit hohen Fenstern und Pflanzen. Zahlreiche Personen stehen an Stehtischen oder unterhalten sich in kleinen Gruppen.


The foyer directly adjacent to the lecture hall is ideal for catering, receptions, industry and poster exhibitions. There is a conference counter in the center, which can be used as a registration desk. Under certain conditions, it is possible to broadcast images and sound from the lecture hall using two large monitors.
Kircher/ DKFZ

Lecture hall

The large lecture hall is located on the first floor of the Communication Center and seats 268 people. The lecture hall is air-conditioned and has state-of-the-art media technology. Among other things, there is a projector, sound system and microphones - there is also a grand piano, which can be hired if required.
Konferenzraum mit langen Holztischen und gepolsterten Stühlen. Vorn ein Rednerpult, zwei große Leinwände mit Präsentationsfolien und eine Podiumstischreihe. Die Wände sind holzvertäfelt, die Decke mit eingelassenen Leuchten ausgestattet.

Conference rooms & gallery

Seminar rooms K1 and K2 are located on the 1st floor directly above the lecture hall and can be reached via a staircase or elevator from the foyer. State-of-the-art media technology such as a projector, sound system and microphones as well as a discussion system are also available here. The two seminar rooms can also be connected to form one large room by retracting the partition wall. They are also both air-conditioned and can be used for video and audio transmission from the large lecture hall. A smaller area for catering at high tables is available on the gallery directly in front of the seminar rooms.



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