Core Facility

Light Microscopy

Employee image

Dr. Felix Bestvater


The Light Microscopy Unit provides a wide range of services in the field of modern imaging techniques for all internal groups and their cooperation partners at several locations on campus.


We provide consultation, hands-on training, technical support and open access (24/7) to cutting-edge instrumentation and a broad range of applications. An integrated workflow guides the user all the way through the required process steps, starting from sample preparation, through data acquisition, up to data analysis and digital image processing. A large number of classical fully automated widefield and confocal laser-scanning microscopes is supplemented by non-standard imaging systems for super-resolution microscopy (own development), slide-scanning, high-content live-cell microscopy, spinning-disk microscopy, FLIM, STED microscopy, etc. Our sample preparation section comprises all the necessary equipment for cell culture, paraffin and cryosectioning, histological staining, as well as instrumentation for micromanipulation techniques such as laser capture microdissection and microinjection. The users can choose between assisted support and full service. Our fluorescent marker repository provides access to a range of (genetic) markers for morphological and physiological determination.

Technology Development

We provide consultation for special projects and setting up individual protocols for advanced users. We accommodate the increasing demand for automated digital image processing by providing high-end working stations, appropriate software (e.g. ImageJ/Fiji, Arivis, Aivia, Amira, Imaris, ZEN, LAS, Matlab, GraphPad PRISM, SigmaPlot). We provide professional support for image processing algorithm and Fiji/ImageJ macro development to improve reproducibility and efficiency for our users.



  • Employee image

    Dr. Felix Bestvater


  • Employee image

    Gaby Blaser

    Technician (Histology)

  • Employee image

    Manuela Brom

    Technician (Microscopy)

  • Employee image

    Dr. Damir Krunic


  • Employee image

    Dr. Marko Norman Lampe


  • Employee image

    Claudia Schmidt

    Technician (Histology)

  • Employee image

    Marian Seidl


  • Employee image

    Mahsa Shakouri

    Technician (Microscopy)


Cancer Commun (Lond). 2025.
Exp Mol Med. 2025.
Sci Transl Med. 2024.
Int J Cancer. 2025.
Nat Commun. 2024.

Get in touch with us

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Light Microscopy

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