Core Facility

Electron Microscopy

Employee image

Dr. Karsten Richter


Our EM-facility performs experiments in full service for ultrastructural studies by TEM as well as SEM.

Macromolecular organisation of striated muscle: Sarcomer from murine m. soleus. Insert: cross-section of acto-myosin setup (thick myosin- and thin actin-fibers).


Our service encompasses the design of experimental formats, sample preparation (fixation, embedding, sectioning, contrasting, labelling, carriers, etc.), microscopy, and pre-processing of images. Together with all image data, customers receive the detailed protocol and a report if appropriate. Our portfolio includes negative staining particle-TEM (quality-check of VLP- and EV-preparations), ultrathin sectioning resin-TEM (ultrastructural phenotyping of cells and tissues), as well as SEM (shapes and surface reliefes of cells, organoids and their substrates). Immuno-gold approaches furthermore allow allocation of molecular identity to structures of interest, and CLEM (Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy) to spot sites of interest by fluorescence microscopy. To start a project, contact us to clarify the scientific question and agree on an experimental strategy.

Technology Development

As projects are unique, with respect to sample-formats and structural features of interest, we routinely invest into the development of protocols for sample preparation and imaging.



  • Employee image

    Dr. Karsten Richter


  • Employee image

    Dr. Michelle Neßling


  • Employee image

    Sylvia Kaden


Selected publications

Get in touch with us

Employee image
Dr. Karsten Richter
Employee image
Dr. Michelle Neßling

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