Chemical Biology
Dr. Peter Sehr
Small inhibitory molecules are widely used as therapeutic agents, but they are also excellent “biotool” compounds for basic research. They are often used as experimental tools to address important biological questions via loss-of-function experiments. The aim of this core facility is to provide research groups with inhibitory molecules against their target of interest and enable them to answer essential questions in their research.


The Chemical Biology Core Facility assists groups in the development of robust assays for screening against our in-house small molecule libraries and guides them through the process of identifying tool/drug compounds for their specific target. Robotics and automation are key for running the screenings at high quality and reproducible manner.
Besides the experimental screening we offer computational screening approaches using ligand-based and structure-based strategies.
A Biacore instrument is available and allows for binding affinity studies using SPR (surface plasmon resonance) technology.
The Chemical Biology Core Facility is a collaboration between DKFZ and the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) in Heidelberg, and is currently located at EMBL. For more detailed information on the services provided, please visit the internet pages of EMBL
Please send first requests to or contact directly
Dr. Ulrike Uhrig, Interim Head of Screening Lab & Computational Chemistry ( phone: 06221 387- 8303
Medicinal chemistry support is usually required following a small molecule screen. Here, the research group Cancer Drug Development headed by Dr. Aubry Miller and Dr. Nikolas Gunkel offers assistance on a collaborative basis.
Dr. Peter Sehr (DKFZ)
Kerstin Putzker (DKFZ)
Britta Jehle (DKFZ)
Dr. Ulrike Uhrig (EMBL)