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Tim Waterboer

2006 Detlef Petzold Award, German Society for Sexually Transmitted Diseases, for development of multiplex serology

2007-2010 Top 30 German Virologist with 616 citations (36 articles)

2011-2015 Top 40 German Virologist  with 936 citations (65 articles)

Julia Butt

2016 PhD Poster Presentation Award for the poster "Serology of Streptococcus gallolyticus subspecies gallolyticus and its association with colorectal cancer and precursors"

2017 Duke Cancer Institute Scientific Retreat Abstract Award

2018 Nicola Werner Research Award for the project „Serologic response to Helicobacter pylori proteins associated with risk of colorectal cancer among diverse populations in the United States”

2020 Electra Paskett Travel Award for the conference of the American Society of Preventive Oncology (ASPO), project: “Auto-antibodies to p53 and the subsequent development of colorectal cancer in a United States prospective cohort consortium”

Rima Jeske

2022 Best Poster Presentation at the 14th International Workshop on Pathogenesis and Host Response in Helicobacter Infections 

Fabian Rosing

2022 Best Poster Presentation at the International Symposium on HPV Infection in Head and Neck Cancer

Christy Susan Varghese

2019 Winner of the 'SciCom competition' conducted as part of the 'Science Communication' career day at DKFZ

Katrin Hufnagel

2019 VIB-Alpbach Affinity Proteomics poster prize

2019 Best Oral Presentation Award 2019 of the European Helicobacter & Microbiota Study Group

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