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Lenti- and retroviral Expression Systems

To ensure highest quality in terms of the biological safety handling and documentation the Virus Transduction Service offers a panel of fully sequenced lenti- or retroviral expression vectors. Each preparation of the expression vector backbone is fully sequenced to ensure the highest quality and safety standards. You can make use of our vector panel by ordering the recombination of you expression construct via the Gateway-Shuttle Service. For your convenience a large collection of human gateway ORF clones is available at the Vector and Clone Repository

Expression Systems

  • Overexpression:
    • Lentiviral expression
    • Retroviral expression
  • Pathway analysis:
    • Transcription factor consensus sequences
  • Labeling of cell lines for in vivo imaging PET CT:
    • Red Firefly Luciferase
    • NanoLuc
    • iRFP
    • HSV-TK
  • Immortalisation of primary cells
    • hTert
    • HPV-E7
    • HPV E6/E7
    • H-Ras Mut / HPV E6/E7
    • SV40-Large T Antigen
    • SV40-Small and Large T Antigen

Special requirements?

The Virus Transduction Service is continuously expanding its vector portfolio to address specific requirements of our users. Please contact Dr. Rainer Will for vector or project development.

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