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Helmholtz Information & Data Science School for Health

Helmholtz Information & Data Science School for Health

The German Cancer Research Center has joined forces with the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and Heidelberg University to establish the Helmholtz Information & Data Science School for Health (HIDSS4Health). HIDSS4Health exists to attract, promote and train the best young talents in the research interface between data science and health-related applications.

HIDSS4Health offers a structured doctoral training program embedded in a highly interdisciplinary research environment, bringing together experts from the data and life sciences. The scientific curriculum is complemented by training measures that provide doctoral researchers with the key qualifications expected from future leaders in science and industry. All HIDSS4Health PhD students whose primary affiliation is the DKFZ are also members of the DKFZ International PhD Program.

Research Areas

In Surgery & Intervention 4.0, we focus on the role of data science in robot- and computer-assisted surgery and interventions. This includes the development and use of computational methods for planning and automation of examinations, surgery and interventions of different types and for intelligent assistive systems collaborating with the physicians, guiding them and supporting their learning process.

In Imaging & Diagnostics, we use machine or deep learning to exploit increasingly large and complex datasets generated by current high-throughput technologies in medicine, biology and health-related biotechnology. We need to deal with various challenges including real-time conditions, the quantification of uncertainty and ambiguity in imaging and omics data as well as the development of explicable decision-making.

In Models for Personalized Medicine, we plan to integrate data-driven modeling, simulation, and visual exploration with first principles modeling. It includes models for real-time applications or patient models for interactive visualization. Data to be considered includes text data (such as intervention logs, admission notes), time series data, features extracted from images or omics data, as well as more traditional numerical data (e.g., lab results).

The Helmholtz Information & Data Science Academy

As domain scientists from all research fields need to be equipped with knowledge, methods and tools in the areas of Information & Data Science, a training and education initiative for researchers in the Helmholtz Association has been established. The Helmholtz Information & Data Science Academy (HIDA) will coordinate networking, education and training activities throughout the entire Helmholtz Association. It bundles the resources of all Information & Data Science Schools (HIDSS), including HIDSS4Health.

Interested in learning more about HIDSS4Health or Data Science @ DKFZ?

Find out more about the HIDSS4Health research topics, the scientists offering PhD projects and how to apply at the HIDSS4Health website.

DKFZ scientists working in the area of data science and health also offer PhD projects through the bi-annual PhD selections of the DKFZ International PhD Program.


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