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Major Cancer Biology Students 2008

Graduation Ceremony on 16. December 2010

Program of the HIGS 2010 Graduation Ceremony

All students who have successfully completed their studies and received their Master degree from the University of Heidelberg are congratulated by the Scientific Director of the DKFZ with a Certificate.
The ceremony is organized by the Helmholtz International Graduate School for Cancer Research within the annual PhD student Poster Presentation and Photo Competition event.
Afterwards there is a reception with drinks and buffet, musical entertainment comes from Rixx Trixx Jazz Band.

Group of students who received their certificate and congratulations

These 24 international students have joined our Major Cancer Biology program with the winter term 2008/2009:


Marek Baumann (Germany)
Manuel Berning (Germany)
Saskia Katharina Blank (Germany)
Branko Cirovic (Bosnia and Herzegovina/Serbia)
Stefanie Frick (Germany)
Katharina Genreith (Germany)
Nevyana Hristova (Bulgaria)
Nao Iwamoto (Japan)
Sajo Kaduthanam (Germany)
Lena Kranz (Germany)
Mathias Leber (Germany)
Amira Metwaly (Egypt)
Katharina Nöske (Germany)
Caroline Odenwald (Germany)
Selcen Öztürk (Turkey)
Hendrik Petersen (Germany)
Maximilian Schließer (Germany)
Philipp Seidel (Germany)
Zulfiyya Taghiyeva (Azerbaijan)
Martin Teichert (Germany)
Aysenur Torun (Turkey)
Gordon Vollert (Germany)
Xiaoli Wang (PR China)
Tania Witte Tobar (Ecuador)
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