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Major Cancer Biology Students 2014

20./21. June 2015: First retreat organized by Major Cancer Biology students


"How to make young scientists think about their career?"

In June 2015 the DKFZ Cancer Biology students dedicated a weekend to their first retreat in Weil der Stadt. The event was jointly organized by the senior and junior students and it was a great success!

How to make young scientists think about their career? - Read their answers here …

14. October 2014: 24 new students have arrived at the DKFZ - Welcome!

Major Cancer Biology class of 2014 - with the Scientific Program Coordinator Prof. Ilse Hofmann and the Head of the Scientific Council of the DKFZ, Dr. Jörg Hoheisel (picture taken in front of the ATV Building on October 14)

Caroline BOSSMANN (Germany)
Benjamin BUCHMULLER (Germany)
Christina COURRÈGES (France-Germany)
Christos EVANGELOU (Cyprus)
Judith FÖRSTER (Germany)
Tanja HÄGELE (Germany)
Laura HARTMANN (Germany)
Selina JANSKY (Germany)
Kathrin JOSEF (Germany)
Janine JUNG (Germany)
Arek KENDIRLI (Turkey)
Klara KLEIN (Austria)
Karin LAABER (Germany)
Aparna PANDEY (Nepal)
Benedikt RECHMANN (Germany)
Carmen ROTHMUND (Germany)
Mariam SAFAVI (Germany)
Fatma Çiğdem SELÇUK (Turkey)
Can SÖNMEZER (Turkey)
Gintvile VALINCIUTE (Lithuania)
Sophia WILD (Germany)
Eugenie Soon May WONG (Malaysia)
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