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PDN - The PostDoc Network of the DKFZ

The PostDoc Network (PDN) was formed to represent the PostDocs' interests and to achieve the best conditions for career perspectives and scientific output. Our main goals are to raise the visibility of PostDocs in and outside the DKFZ, to support career development and to increase social and scientific networking among PostDocs.

  • Visibility:
    • Our website and mailing list provide general information about the PDN and offer a platform for PostDocs to communicate with each other and discuss issues important to them.
    • The PDNC represents the PostDoc voice within the DKFZ, and to other organizations such as the Helmholtz Network and the Health+Life Science Alliance throughout Germany.
  • Career Development:
    • In collaboration with the DKFZ Advanced Training Center, the PDN organises seminars and workshops tailored to PostDocs' needs.
    • Together with the Career Service the PDN organizes Career Days. The aim is to provide postdocs at our institute with insights into different career paths in specific fields. We invite alumni and other (postdoctoral) researchers to briefly share their personal career paths. The participants are given ample time to join round table discussions and to network with invited guests.
  • Networking:
    • The Annual Symposium

      aims to encourage scientific and social interactions between PostDocs in order to improve the research and personal experience of scientists.
    • The Lunch Talk Series was started by the PDN and the BioMed X Innovation Center to provide a platform for intellectual exchange between researchers working in diverse fields of life science research in Heidelberg.
    • The “Research Lounge – let’s talk science” encourages scientific collaboration and discussion within the DKFZ. 

We are always looking for new enthusiastic PDN committee members!

Join the PDN committee today by subscribing to the PDN committee mailing list by emailing to PDN-committee(at) and by attending the fortnightly committee meetings.

  • Improve communication and spread information between PostDocs
  • Participate in the organization of events and seminars
  • Welcome incoming postdocs by providing them with relevant information concerning their work at the DKFZ and their life in Heidelberg
  • Share and discuss career-related issues

If you are interested in keeping up to date with PostDoc news and events, please subscribe to the PostDoc Network mailing list (PDN(at) by emailing postdoc(at)

Don't miss out!

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