Your Postdoc at DKFZ
The DKFZ is a prime location to pursue basic and translational oncology research in one of its six research programs. Through the research divisions and groups, we provide access to cutting-edge research facilities and state-of-the-art labs. We foster personal career development of our postdoctoral researchers by offering a unique and tailored training portfolio and access to our DKFZ Career Center for Postdocs.
Science Ambassadors

The Science Ambassadors are a dedicated group of experienced scientists committed to supporting academic career development for postdoctoral researchers. With their extensive expertise and longstanding careers within academia and the German Cancer Research Center, they offer invaluable guidance to help you navigate your next career steps.
Young Academics and Mid-Level-Faculty Committee ("Nachwuchs- und Mittelbau Ausschuss" / NMA)

The Young Academics and Mid-Level-Faculty Committee (Nachwuchs- und Mittelbau Ausschuss / NMA) plays a crucial role in addressing the career perspectives of postdoctoral researchers who are approaching the time limit of fixed-term employment contracts governed by the Academic Fixed-Term Contract Act (Wissenschaftszeitvertraggesetz / WissZeitVG). As postdocs approach this limit, they are contacted by the HR department and invited to submit a Career Development Plan/Perspective Paper. Based on the information provided in the Perspective Paper, the NMA Committee offers recommendations regarding employment beyond the established limit to the management board, the postdoctoral researcher, and their supervisor. Through guidance, resources, and opportunities, the NMA aims to empower postdocs to unlock their full potential and navigate a suitable career path both within and outside the DKFZ.