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We are thankful to our funding agencies for their support:

ERC Starting and Consolidator Grant

ERC consolidator grant


We were recently awarded one of the prestigious ERC Consolidator Grants! The project aims to investigate the regulation of cellular growth and metabolism by stearic acid C18:0.

Deutsche Krebshilfe

Deutsche Krebshilfe grant


The project funded by the Deutsche Krebshilfe aims to study the role of a TOR-associated protein in tissue growth and cancer development.

Helmholtz Gemeinschaft

Helmholtz Gemeinschaft Deutscher Forschungszentren


The project funded by the Helmholtz Gemeinschaft aims to discover new components in the insulin signaling pathway.

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft


Two projects are funded by the DFG. The first focuses on a novel gene involved in translation. Since protein synthesis is one important process required for cell growth and proliferation, this protein likely plays a role in cancer development (SFB1036 Cellular Surveillance and Damage Response/Surveillance of amino acid levels by mTORC1). The second project is a collaboration project with the Nawroth lab at the medical clinic of Heidelberg University, studying a fly model for late-phase diabetic complications (SFB1118 Reactive Metabolites as Cause of Diabetic Complications/ Regulation of Methylgyoxal Detoxification via Glo1 and the physiological significance)

EU FP7 Project: MITIN

EU FP7 Project: MITIN


The causes of diabetes are not yet understood. Two important players in diabetes are the insulin pathway, which regulates animal metabolism, and mitochondria, the site of cellular energy production as well as lipid oxidation. The MITIN project studies the functional interconnections between insulin and mitochondria. 

EMBO Young Investigator Program

EMBO Young Investigator Program


The lab is kindly supported by the EMBO YIP.

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