Publication List


  • Roiuk M, Neff M and Teleman AA. Human eIF2A has a minimal role in translation initiation and in uORF-mediated translational control in HeLa cells. (2025) eLife [In Press] 

  • Meurs R, De Matos M, Bothe A, Guex N, Weber T, Teleman AA, Ban N, and Gatfield D. MCTS2 and distinct eIF2D roles in uORF-dependent translation regulation revealed by in vitro re-initiation assays (2025) EMBO J. doi: 10.1038/s44318-024-00347-3 [pubmed]


  • Camilleri-Robles C, Amador R, Tiebe M, Teleman AA, Serras F, Guigó R and Corominas R. Expression dynamics of long non-coding RNAs involved in Drosophila development and regeneration. (2024) NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics. [pubmed]
  • Roiuk M, Neff M and Teleman AA. eIF4E-independent translation is largely eIF3d-dependent. (2024) Nature Communications 15:6692. doi: 10.1038/s41467-024-51027-z [pubmed]
  • Willnow P and Teleman AA. Nuclear position and local acetyl-CoA production regulate chromatin state. (2024) Nature 630:466-474 [pubmed]
  • Kyrkou A, Valla R, Zhang Y, Ambrosi G, Laier S, Müller-Decker K, Boutros M and Teleman AA. G6PD and ACSL3 are synthetic lethal partners of NF2 in Schwann cells. (2024) Nature Communications 5:5115 [pubmed]


  • Bohlen J, Zhou Q, Philippot Q, Ogishi M, Rinchai D, Nieminen T, Seyedpour S, Parvaneh N, Rezaei N, Yazdanpanah N, Momenilandi M, Conil C, Neehus AL, Schmidt C, Arango-Franco CA, Voyer TL, Khan T, Yang R, Puchan J, Erazo L, Roiuk M, Vatovec T, Janda Z, Bagarić I, Materna M, Gervais A, Li H, Rosain J, Peel JN, Seeleuthner Y, Han JE, L'Honneur AS, Moncada-Vélez M, Martin-Fernandez M, Horesh ME, Kochetkov T, Schmidt M, AlShehri MA, Salo E, Saxen H, ElGhazali G, Yatim A, Soudée C, Sallusto F, Ensser A, Marr N, Zhang P, Bogunovic D, Cobat A, Shahrooei M, Béziat V, Abel L, Wang X, Boisson-Dupuis S, Teleman AA, Bustamante J, Zhang Q, Casanova JL. Human MCTS1-dependent translation of JAK2 is essential for IFN-γ immunity to mycobacteria. (2023) Cell [pubmed]
  • Nůsková H, Garcia Cortizo F, Schwenker L, Sachsenheimer T, Diakonov E, Tiebe M, Schneider M, Lohbeck J, Reid C, Kopp-Schneider A, Helm D, Brügger B, Miller A, and Teleman AA. Competition for cysteine acylation by C16:0 and C18:0 derived lipids is a global phenomenon in the proteome. (2023) JBC [pubmed]
  • Nicastro R, Brohée L, Alba J, Nüchel J, Figlia G, Kipschull S, Gollwitzer P, Romero-Pozuelo J, Fernandes SA, Lamprakis A, Vanni S*, Teleman AA*, De Virgilio C*, and Demetriades C*. Malonyl-CoA is a conserved endogenous ATP-competitive mTORC1 inhibitor. (2023) Nature Cell Biology. [pubmed]  (*co-corresponding)
  • Pfaff D, Poschet G, Hell R, Szendrödi J, and Teleman AA. Walking 200 minutes per day keeps the bariatric surgeon away. (2023) Heliyon[pubmed]
  • Samarin J, Fabrowski P, Kurilov R, Nuskova H, Hummel-Eisenbeiss J, Pink H, Li N, Weru V, Alborzinia H, Yildiz U, Grob L, Taubert M, Czech M, Morgen M, Brandstädter C, Becker K, Mao L, Jayavelu AK, Goncalves A, Uhrig U, Seiler J, Lyu Y, Diederichs S, Klingmüller U, Muckenthaler M, Kopp-Schneider A, Teleman A, Miller AK, Gunkel N. Low level of antioxidant capacity biomarkers but not target overexpression predicts vulnerability to ROS-inducing drugs. (2023) Redox Biology. [pubmed]
  • Bohlen J, Roiuk M, Neff M, and Teleman AA. PRRC2 proteins impact translation initiation by promoting leaky scanning. (2023) Nucleic Acids Research. [pubmed]
  • Ibañez DC, Skabkin M, Hooli J, Cerrizuela S, Göpferich M, Jolly A, Volk K, Zumwinkel M, Bertolini M, Figlia G, Höfer T, Kramer G, Anders S, Teleman AA, Marciniak-Czochra A, and Martin-Villalba A. Interferon regulates neural stem cell function at all ages by orchestrating mTOR and cell cycle. (2023) EMBO Molecular Medicine. [pubmed]


  • Marinovic I, Bartosova M, Herzog R, Sacnun JM, Zhang C, Hoogenboom R, Unterwurzacher M, Hackert T, Teleman AA, Kratochwill K and Schmitt CP. Understanding cell model characteristics - RNA expression profiling in primary and immortalized human mesothelial cells, and in human vein and microvascular endothelial cells. (2022) Cells.  [pubmed]
  • Figlia G, Müller S, Hagenston AM, Kleber S, Roiuk M, Quast JP, Ten Bosch N, Carvajal Ibañez D, Mauceri D, Martin-Villalba A, and Teleman AA. Brain-enriched RagB isoforms regulate the dynamics of mTORC1 activity through GATOR1 inhibition. (2022) Nature Cell Biology.  [pubmed]
  • Wagner S, Bohlen J, Herrmannova A, Jelinek J, Preiss T, Valasek LS and Teleman AA. Selective footprinting of 40S and 80S ribosome subpopulations (Sel-TCP-seq) to study translation and its control. (2022) Nature Protocols.  [pubmed]
  • Gegner HM, Mechtel N, Heidenreich E, Wirth A, Garcia Cortizo F, Bennewitz K, Fleming TH, Andresen C, Freichel M, Teleman AA, Kroll J, Hell R, Poschet G. Deep metabolic profiling assessment of tissue extraction protocols for three model organisms. (2022) Frontiers in Chemistry. [pubmed]
  • Clemm von Hohenberg K, Müller S, Schleich S, Meister M, Bohlen J, Hofmann TG and Teleman AA. Cyclin B/CDK1 and Cyclin A/CDK2 phosphorylate DENR to promote mitotic protein translation and faithful cell division. (2022) Nature Communications. [pubmed]


  • Heremans IP, Cligiore F, Gerin I, Bury M, Lutz M, Graff J, Stroobant V, Vertommen D, Teleman A, Van Schaftingen E and Bommer GT. Parkinson's disease protein PARK7 prevents metabolite and protein damage caused by a glycolytic metabolite. (2021) PNAS. [pubmed]
  • Garcia Cortizo F, Pfaff D, Wirth A, Schlotterer A, Medert R, Morgenstern J, Weber T, Hammes H-P, Fleming T, Nawroth PP and Teleman AA. Activity of Glyoxylase 1 is regulated by a glucose-responsive phosphorylation on Tyr136. (2021) Molecular Metabolism.  [pubmed]
  • Bohlen J, Roiuk M and Teleman AA. Phosphorylation of Ribosomal Protein S6 differentially affects mRNA translation based on ORF length. (2021) Nucleic Acids Research. [pubmed]
  • Strassburger K, Lutz M, Müller S and Teleman AA. Ecdysone regulates Drosophila wing disc size via a TORC1 dependent mechanism. (2021) Nature Communications. [pubmed]
  • Cable J, et al. Metabolic decisions in development and disease—a Keystone Symposia report. (2021) Annals NY Accademy of Sciences. [pubmed]
  • Nůsková H, Serebryakova MV, Ferrer-Caelles A, Sachsenheimer T, Lüchtenborg C, Miller AK, Brügger B, Kordyukova LV and Teleman AA. Stearic acid blunts growth-factor signaling via oleoylation of GNAI proteins. (2021) Nature Communications[pubmed]
  • Prentzell MT, Rehbein U, Sandoval MC, Meulemeester AD, Baumeister R, Brohée L, Berdel B, Bockwoldt M, Carroll B, Chowdhury SR, von Deimling A, Demetriades C, Figlia G, Genomics England Research Consortium16, Guimaraes de Araujo ME, Heberle AM, Heiland I, Holzwarth B, Huber LA, Jaworski J, Kedra M, Kern K, Kopach K, Korolchuk VI, van 't Land-Kuper I, Macias M, Nellist M, Palm W, Pusch S, Ramos Pittol JM, Reil M, Reintjes A, Reuter F, Sampson JR, Scheldeman C, Siekierska A, Stefan E, Teleman AA, Thomas LE, Torres-Quesada O, Trump S, West HD, de Witte P, Woltering S, Yordanov T, Zmorzynska J, Opitz CA, and Thedieck K. The G3BP proteins tether the TSC complex to lysosomes and suppress mTORC1 1 signaling. (2021) Cell [pubmed]


  • Morgenstern J, Katz S , Krebs-Haupenthal J , Chen J , Saadatmand A , Garcia Cortizo F, Moraru A,  Zemva J, Campos Campos M, Teleman A, Backs J, Nawroth P, Fleming T. Phosphorylation of T107 by CamKIIδ Regulates the Detoxification Efficiency and Proteomic Integrity of Glyoxalase 1. (2020) Cell Reports [pubmed]
  • Bohlen J, Harbrecht  L, Blanco S, Clemm von Hohenberg K, Fenzl K, Kramer G, Bukau B and Teleman AA. DENR promotes translation reinitiation via ribosome recycling to drive expression of oncogenes including ATF4. (2020) Nature Communications [pubmed]
  • Figlia G, Willnow P and Teleman AA. Metabolites regulate cell signaling and growth via covalent modification of proteins. (2020) Developmental Cell (invited Review) [pubmed]
  • Bohlen J, Fenzl K, Kramer G, Bukau B and Teleman AA. Selective 40S footprinting reveals cap-tethered ribosome scanning in human cells. (2020) Molecular Cell [pubmed]
  • Ahmed SMH, Maldera JA, Krunic D, Paiva-Silva GO, Pénalva C, Teleman AA* (co-corresponding) and Edgar BA*. Fitness trade-offs incurred by ovary-to-gut steroid signaling in Drosophila. (2020) Nature [pubmed]
  • Romero-Pozuelo J, Figlia G, Kaya O, Martin-Villalba A, Teleman AA. Cdk4 and Cdk6 Couple the Cell-Cycle Machinery to Cell Growth via mTORC1. (2020) Cell Reports [pubmed]
  • Tiebe M, Lutz M, Senyilmaz Tiebe D and Teleman AA. Crebl2 regulates cell metabolism in muscle and liver cells. (2020) Scientific Reports [pubmed]
  • Ma X, Lu J, Moraru A, Teleman AA, Xu T, Fang J, Qiu Y and Liu P. A Novel Regulator of ER Ca2+ Drives Hippo-mediated Tumorigenesis. (2020) Oncogene  [pubmed]


  • Tiebe M, Lutz M, Senyilmaz Tiebe D, Teleman AA. Crebl2 regulates cell metabolism in muscle and liver cells. (2019) Scientific Reports [pubmed]
  • Patel HP, Penalva C, Kardorff M, Roca M, Pavlovic B, Thiel A, Teleman AA, Edgar AE. Damage sensing by a Nox-Ask1-MKK3-p38 signaling pathway mediates regeneration in the adult Drosophila midgut. (2019) Nature Communications [pubmed]
  • Bageritz J, Willnow P, Valentini E, Leible S, Boutros M, Teleman A. Gene expression atlas of a developing tissue by single cell expression correlation analysis. (2019) Nature Methods [pubmed]
  • Dong Y, Teleman AA, Jedmowski C, Wirtz M, Hell R. The Arabidopsis THADA homologue modulates TOR activity and cold acclimation: Genetic modulation of cold acclimation in Arabidposis. (2019) Plant Biol  [pubmed]
  • Strassburger K, Kang E, Teleman AA. Drosophila ZDHHC8 palmitoylates scribble and Ras64B and controls growth and viability. (2019) PLoS One 14(2) [pubmed]


  • Kwiatkowski S, Seliga AK, Vertommen D, Terreri M, Ishikawa T, Grabowska I, Tiebe M, Teleman AA, Jagielski AK, Veiga-da-Cunha M and Drozak J. SETD3 protein is the actin-specific histidine N-methyltransferase. (2018) eLife 2018 7 [pubmed]
  • Strassburger K, Teleman AA. Flies Eat Their Veggies to Survive the Cold. (2018) Dev Cell 46(6) Comment [pubmed]
  • Sriram A, Bohlen J, Teleman AA. Translation acrobatics: how cancer cells exploit alternate modes of translational initiation. (2018) EMBO Reports 19(10) Review [pubmed]
  • Tiebe M, Lutz M, Levy D, and Teleman AA. Phenotypic characterization of SETD3 knockout Drosophila. (2018) PLoS One 13(8):e0201609 [pubmed]
  • Sellin J, Wingen C, Gosejacob D, Senyilmaz D, Hänschke L, Büttner S, Meyer K, Bano D, Nicotera P, Teleman AA and Bülow MH. Dietary rescue of lipotoxicity-induced mitochondrial damage in Peroxin19 mutants. (2018) PLoS Biology 16(6) [pubmed]
  • Senyilmaz-Tiebe D, Pfaff DH, Virtue S, Schwarz KV, Fleming T, Altamura S, Muckenthaler MU, Okun JG, Vidal-Puig A, Nawroth P, Teleman AA. Dietary stearic acid regulates mitochondria in vivo in humans. (2018) Nature Communications 9:3129 [pubmed]
  • Ahmed YL, Schleich S, Bohlen J, Mandel N, Simon B, Sinning I, Teleman AA. DENR-MCTS1 heterodimerization and tRNA recruitement are required for translation reinitiaion. (2018) PLoS Biol 16(6):e2005160 [pubmed]
  • Moraru A, Wiederstein J, Pfaff D, Fleming T, Miller AK, Nawroth P, Teleman AA. Elevated levels of the Reactive Metabolite Methylglyoxal Recapitulate Progression of Type 2 Diabetes. (2018) Cell Metabolism 27(4):926 [pubmed]
  • Acevedo JM, Hoermann B, Schlimbach T, Teleman AA. Changes in global translation elongation or initiation rates shape the proteome via the Kozak sequence. (2018) Scientific Reports 8(1):4018 [pubmed]
  • Bülow MH, Wingen C, Senyyilmaz D, Gosejacob D, Sociale M, bauer R, Schulze H, Sandhoff K, Teleman AA, Hoch M, Sellin J. Unbalanced lipolysis results in lipotoxicity and mitochondrial damage in peroxisome-deficient Pex19 mutants. (2018) Molecular Biology of the Cell 29(4):396-407 [pubmed]
  • Zemva J, Pfaff D, Groener JB, Fleming T, Herzig S, Teleman A, Nawroth P, Tyedmers J. Effects of the reactive metabolite Methylglyoxal on cellular signalling, Insulin action and metabolism – what we know in mammals and what we can learn from yeast. (2018) Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes [pubmed]


  • Dong Y, Silbermann M, Speiser A, Forieri I, Linster E, Poschet G, Allboje A, Watanabe M, Sticht C, Teleman A, Deragon J-M, Saito K, Hell R, and Wirtz M. Sulfur availability regulates plant growth via glucose-TOR signaling. (2017) Nature Communication 8:1174[pubmed]
  • Dräger N, Nachman E, Winterhoff M, Brühmann S, Shah P, Katsinelos T, Boulant S, Teleman AA, Faix J, and Jahn T. Bin1 directly remodels actin dynamics through its BAR domain. (2017) EMBO Reports 18,2051-2066 [pubmed]
  • Romero-Pozuelo J, Demetriades C, Schroeder P and Teleman AA. CycD/Cdk4 and discontinuities in Dpp signaling activate TORC1 in the Drosophila wing disc. (2017) Developmental Cell 42:376-87 [pubmed]
  • Teleman AA and Perrimon N. Open questions: completing the parts list and finding the integrating signals. (2017) BMC Biology 15:47 [pubmed]
  • Strassburger K, Lorbeer FK, Lutz M, Graf F, Boutros M and Teleman AA. Oxygenation and adenosine deaminase support growth and proliferation of ex vivo cultured Drosophila wing imaginal discs. (2017) Development dev.147538 [pubmed]
  • Schleich S, Acevedo JM, Clemm von Hohenberg K and Teleman AA. Identification of transcripts with short stuORFs as targets for DENR•MCTS1-dependent translation in human cells. (2017) Scientific Reports 7:3722 [pubmed]
  • Moraru A, Cakan-Akdogan G, Strassburger K, Males M, Mueller S, Jabs M, Muelleder M, Frejno M, Braeckman BP, Ralser M, and Teleman AA. THADA regulates the organismal balance between energy storage and heat production. (2017) Developmental Cell 41:72-81 [pubmed]
  • Pfaff DH, Fleming T, Nawroth P and Teleman AA. Evidence against a role for the Parkinsonism-associated protein DJ-1 in methylglyoxal detoxification. (2017) JBC 292:685-690 [pubmed]


  • Strassburger K and Teleman AA. Protocols to Study Growth and Metabolism in Drosophila. (2016) Methods Mol Biol. 1478:279-290 [pubmed]
  • Teleman AA. Metabolism meets development at Wiston House. (2016) Development 143:3045-9 [pubmed]
  • Teleman AA. Role for Torsin in Lipid Metabolism. (2016) Dev Cell 38(3):223-4 [pubmed]
  • Haas MA, Ngo L, Li SS, Schleich S, Qu Z, Vanyai HK, Cullen HD, Cardona-Alberich A, Gladwyn-Ng IE, Pagnamenta AT, Taylor JC, Stewart H, Kini U, Duncan KE, Teleman AA, Keays DA, Heng J I-T. De novo mutations in DENR disrupt neuronal development and link congenital neurological disorders to defective mRNA translation re-initiation. (2016) Cell Reports 15(10):2251-65 [pubmed]
  • Tsokanos F-F, Albert M-A, Demetriades C, Spirohn K, Boutros M, and Teleman AA. eIF4A inactivates TORC1 in response to amino acid starvation. (2016) EMBO Journal pii: e201593118 [pubmed]
  • Demetriades C, Plescher M, and Teleman AA. Lysosomal recruitment of TSC2 is a universal response to cellular stress. (2016) Nature Communications 7:10662 [pubmed]


  • Cheng Y-S, Seibert O, Klöting N, Dietrich A, Straßburger K, Fernández-Veledo S, Vendrell JJ, Zorzano A, Blüher M, Herzig S, Berriel Diaz M and Teleman AA. PPP2R5C couples hepatic glucose and lipid homeostasis. (2015) PLoS Genetics 11(10):e1005561 [pubmed]
  • Plescher M, Teleman AA and Demetriades C. TSC2 mediates hyperosmotic stress-induced inactivation of mTORC1. (2015) Scientific Reports 5:13828 [pubmed]
  • Senyilmaz D, Virtue S, Xu X, Tan CY, Griffin JL, Miller AK, Vidal-Puig A and Teleman AA. Regulation of mitochondrial morphology and function by Stearoylation of TfR1. (2015) Nature 525:124-8 [pubmed]
  • Tiebe M, Lutz M, De La Garza A, Buechling T, Boutros M and Teleman AA. REPTOR and REPTOR-BP regulate organismal metabolism and transcription downstream of TORC1. (2015) Developmental Cell 33:272-84 [pubmed]
  • Senyilmaz D and Teleman AA. Chicken or the egg: Warburg effect and mitochondrial dysfunction. (2015) F1000 Prime Rep 10.12703/P7-41 [pubmed]


  • Schleich S, Strassburger K, Janiesch PC, Koledachkina T, Miller KK, Haneke K, Cheng Y-C, Kuechler K, Stoecklin G, Duncan KE and Teleman AA. DENR•MCT-1 Promotes Translation Reinitiation Downstream of uORFs to Control Tissue Growth. Nature 512:208-212 [pubmed]
  • Demetriades C, Doumpas N, and Teleman AA. Regulation of TORC1 in Response to Amino Acid Starvation via Lysosomal Recruitment of TSC2. Cell. 156:786-99 [pubmed]


  • Doumpas N, Jekely G, and Teleman AA. Wnt6 is required for maxillary palp formation in Drosophila. BMC Biol. 11:104 [pubmed]
  • Doumpas N, Ruiz-Romero M, Blanco E, Edgar B, Corominas M and Teleman AA. Brinker regulates wing disc growth in part via repression of Myc expression. (2013) EMBO Reports. 14:261-8 [pubmed]


  • Miguel-Aliaga I, Oliver B, Teleman AA. The flies of Icarus: science with wings in Crete. (2012) EMBO Rep. 13:945-7 [pubmed]
  • Straßburger K, Tiebe M, Pinna F, Breuhahn K and Teleman AA. Insulin/IGF signaling drives cell proliferation in part via Yorkie/YAP. (2012) Developmental Biology. 367:187-96  [pubmed]
  • Teleman AA, Ratzenböck I, Oldham S. Drosophila: A Model for Understanding Obesity and Diabetic Complications. (2012) Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes. 120:184-5 [pubmed]
  • Xu X, Gopalacharyulu P, Seppänen-Laakso T, Ruskeepää AL, Aye C, Carson B, Mora S, Orešič M and Teleman AA. Insulin signaling regulates fatty acid catabolism at the level of CoA activation. (2012) PLoS Genetics. 8:e1002478 [Open-Access Full-length Article]
  • Pallares C, Cakan-Akdogan G and Teleman AA. Tissue-specific coupling between insulin/IGF and TORC1 signaling via PRAS40 in Drosophila. (2012) Developmental Cell. 22:172-82 [pubmed]


  • Albrecht S, Gomes-Barata A, Großhans J, Teleman AA and Dick T. In vivo mapping of hydrogen peroxide and oxidized glutathione reveals chemical and regional specificity of redox homeostasis. (2011) Cell Metabolism. 14:819-29 [pubmed]
  • Teleman AA. Privileged signaling for brain growth. (2011) Cell. 146:346-7 [pubmed]


  • Francis VA, Zorzano A and Teleman AA. dDOR Is an EcR Coactivator that Forms a Feed-Forward Loop Connecting Insulin and Ecdysone Signaling. (2010) Current Biology 20:1799-808 [pubmed]
  • Bryk B, Hahn K, Cohen SM and Teleman AA. MAP4K3 regulates body size and metabolism in Drosophila. (2010) Dev Biol. 344:150-7 [pubmed]
  • Hahn K, Miranda M, Francis V, Vendrell J, Zorzano A and Teleman AA. PP2A Regulatory Subunit PP2A-B' Counteracts S6K Phosphorylation. (2010) Cell Metabolism 11(5):438-44 [pubmed]
  • Teleman AA. miR-200 De-FOGs Insulin Signaling. (2010) Cell Metabolism 11:8-9 [pubmed]
  • Mauvezin C, Orpinell M, Francis VA, Mansilla F, Duran J, Boya P, Ribas V, Palacín M, Teleman AA and Zorzano A. The nuclear cofactor DOR regulates autophagy in mammalian and Drosophila cells. (2010) EMBO Reports 11(1):37-44 [pubmed]
  • Teleman AA. Molecular mechanism of metabolic regulation by insulin in Drosophila. (2010) Biochemical Journal 425(1):13-26 [pubmed]

2009 and earlier

  • Schleich S and Teleman AA. Akt phosphorylates both Tsc1 and Tsc2 in Drosophila, but neither phosphorylation is required for normal animal growth. (2009) PLoS One 4(7):e6305 [pubmed]
  • Teleman AA, Hietakangas V, Sayadian AC, Cohen SM. Nutritional control of protein biosynthetic capacity by insulin via Myc in Drosophila. (2008) Cell Metabolism 7:21-32 [pubmed]
  • Easow G, Teleman AA, Cohen S. Isolation of miRNA targets by miRNP purification. (2007) RNA 13:1198-1204 [pubmed]
  • Hufnagel L, Teleman AA (co-first author), Rouault H, Cohen SM, Shraiman BI. On the mechanism of wing size determination in fly development. (2007) PNAS 104:3835-40 [pubmed]
  • Teleman AA and Cohen SM. Drosophila lacking microRNA miR-278 are defective in energy homeostasis. (2006) Genes Dev 20:417-22 [pubmed]
  • Mikeladze-Dvali T, Wernet MF, Pistillo D, Mazzoni EO, Teleman AA, Chen YW, Cohen S, Desplan C. The Growth Regulators warts/lats and melted Interact in a Bistable Loop to Specify Opposite Fates in Drosophila R8 Photoreceptors. (2005) Cell 122:775-87 [pubmed]
  • Teleman AA, Chen YW, Cohen SM. Drosophila melted modulates FOXO and TOR activity. (2005) Dev Cell 9:271-81 [pubmed]
  • Teleman AA, Chen YW, Cohen SM. 4E-BP functions as a metabolic brake used under stress conditions but not during normal growth. (2005) Genes Dev 19:1844-8 [pubmed]
  • Teleman AA, Strigini M, Cohen SM. Shaping morphogen gradients. (2001) Cell 105:559-62 [pubmed]
  • Teleman AA, Cohen SM. Dpp gradient formation in the Drosophila wing imaginal disc. (2000) Cell 103:971-80 [pubmed]
  • Teleman AA, Graumann PL, Lin DC, Grossman AD, Losick R. Chromosome arrangement within a bacterium. (1998) Curr Biol 8:1102-9 [pubmed]
  • Webb CD, Graumann PL, Kahana JA, Teleman AA, Silver PA, Losick R. Use of time-lapse microscopy to visualize rapid movement of the replication origin region of the chromosome during the cell cycle in Bacillus subtilis. (1998) Mol Microbiol. 28:883-92 [pubmed]
  • Gordon GS, Sitnikov D, Webb, CD, Teleman A, Straight A, Losick R, Murray AW, Wright A. Chromosome and low copy plasmid segregation in E. coli: visual evidence for distinct mechanisms. (1997) Cell 90:1113-21 [pubmed]
  • Webb CD, Teleman A (co-first author), Gordon S, Straight A, Belmont A, Lin DC, Grossman AD, Wright A, Losick R. Bipolar localization of the replication origin regions of chromosomes in vegetative and sporulating cells of B. subtilis. (1997) Cell 88:667-74 [pubmed]
  • Webb CD, Decatur A, Teleman A, Losick R. Use of green fluorescent protein for visualization of cell-specific gene expression and subcellular protein localization during sporulation in Bacillus subtilis. (1995) J Bacteriol. 177:5906-11 [pubmed]

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