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German-Israeli Helmholtz Research School in Cancer Biology

German-Israeli Helmholtz International Research School in Cancer Biology

Based on a long tradition of scientific interaction between the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) in Heidelberg/Germany and the Weizmann Institute of Science (WIS) in Rehovot/Israel, the German-Israeli Helmholtz International Research School in Cancer Biology has been established. This Research School is a joint PhD study program of the DKFZ International PhD Program and the Feinberg Graduate School of the WIS.

Within the German-Israeli Helmholtz Research School in Cancer Biology, the Foundation Program (launched in 2012) offers a fulltime PhD program including long-term research stays at the partner institution.

The newly established Cancer-TRAX Program (from 2018) complements the Foundation Program by bridging the career stages into and following the PhD. It provides several funding tracks for PhD and MSc students at the DKFZ and the WIS to establish collaborative projects throughout the course of their scientific career.



The DKFZ in Heidelberg and the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel, both share the long-term scientific goal of unveiling the causes and mechanisms of cancer development and progression, and both possess strong basic research programs.

Each institution also possesses unique strengths: the DKFZ offers collaboration and joint studies with clinicians and clinical research institutes throughout Germany, while the WIS offers access to basic research in many fields of the Natural Sciences, whose impact on modern biological research is extremely significant - mathematics and computer science, chemistry and physics.

The Research School builds on the joint strengths of both institutions and offers comprehensive and rigorous training covering topics in cancer biology ranging from basic to clinical aspects.

Contact information

For more information, please contact the respective program coordinator:

DKFZ: Dr. Lindsay Murrells

WIS: Prof. Valery Krizhanovsky

Annual Meeting 2014 at the DKFZ

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