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  • Nadimpalli HP, Katsioudi G, Arpa SE, Chikhaoui L, Arpat AB, Liechti L, Palais G, Tessmer C, Hofamnn I, Galy b, Gatfield D (2023) Diurnal control of iron responsive element (IRE)-containing mRNAs through iron regular proteins IRP1 and IRP2 is mediated by feeding rhythms. bioRxiv 2023.10.23.563593; doi: (preprint)
  • Galy B, Conrad M, Muckenthaler MU (2023) Mechanisms controlling cellular and systemic iron homeostasis.  Nat. Rev. Mol. Cell Biol. DOI:
  • Deschemin JC, Ransy C, Bouillaud F, Chung S, Galy B, Peyssonnaux C, Vaulont S (2023) Hepcidin deficiency in mice impairs white adipose tissue browning possibly due to a defect in de novo adipogenesis. Sci. Rep. 13(1):12794
  • Perez-Perri J, Ferring-Appel D, Huppertz I, Schwarzl T, Stein F, Rettel M, Galy B*, Hentze MW* (2023) The RNA-binding protein landscapes differ between mammalian organs and cultured cells. Nat. Commun.  14(1):2074 (*Shared senior authorship, corresponding author).
  • Bonadonna M, Altamura S, Tybl E, Palais G, Qatato Q, Polycarpou-Schwarz M, Schneider M, Kalk C, Rüdiger W, Ertl A, Anstee N, Bogeska R, Helm D, Milsom MD, Galy B (2022) Iron Regulatory Protein (IRP)-mediated iron homeostasis is critical for neutrophil development and differentiation in the bone marrow. Sci. Adv., 8(40):eabq5384.
  • Frost JN, Wideman SK, Preston AE, The MR, Ai Z, Wang L, Cross A, White N, Yazicioglu Y, Bonadonna M, Clarke A, Armitage AE, Galy B, Udalova IA, Drakesmith H (2022) Plasma iron controls neutrophil production and function. Sci. Adv., 8(40):eabq4469.
  • Qatato M, Bonadonna M, Palais, G, Ertl A, Schmidt G, Polycarpou-Schwarz Maria, Karim Z., Galy B (2022) IRE-dependent Regulation of Intestinal Dmt1 Prevails During Chronic Dietary Iron Deficiency but is Dispensable in Conditions of Acute Erythropoietic Stress, HemaSphere, 6(3):e693.
  • Tybl E, Gunshin H, Gupta S, Barrientos T, Bonadonna M, Nos FC, Palais G, Karim Z, Sanchez M, Andrews NC, Galy B. (2020) Control of Systemic Iron Homeostasis by the 3’ Iron-Responsive Element of Divalent Metal Transporter 1 in Mice. HemaSphere, 4(5):e459.
  • Frost JN, Tan TK, Abbas M, Wideman SK, Bonadonna M, Stoffel NU, Wray K, Kronsteiner B, Smits G, Campagna DR, Duarte TL, Lopes JM, Shah A, Armitage AE, Arezes J, Lim PJ, Preston AE, Ahern D, Teh M, Naylor C, Salio M, Gileadi U, Andrews SC, Dunachie SJ, Zimmermann MB, van der Klis FRM, Cerundolo V, Bannard O, Draper SJ, Townsend ARM, Galy B, Fleming MD, Lewis MC, Drakesmith H. (2021) Hepcidin-Mediated Hypoferremia Disrupts Immune Responses to Vaccination and Infection. Med (N Y)., 2(2):164-179.
  • Shytaj IL, Lucic B, Forcato M, Billingsley JM, Bosinger S, Stanic M, Gregoretti F, Antonelli L, Oliva G, Battivelli E, Frese CK, Trifunovic A, Galy B, Eibl C, Plested A, Verdin E, Silvestri G, Bicciato, Savarino A, Lusic M (2020) Alterations of redox and iron metabolism accompany development of HIV latency. EMBO J., 4;39(9):e102209.
  • Braun J, Hermann AL, Blase JI, Frensemeier K, Bulkescher J, Scheffner M, Galy B, Hoppe-Seyler K, Hoppe-Seyler F (2019) Effects of the Antifungal Agent Ciclopirox in HPV-Positive Cancer Cells: Repression of Viral E6/E7 Oncogene Expression and Induction of Senescence and Apoptosis. Int. J. Cancer., 146(2):461-474.
  • Altamura S, Galy B (2019) Radical sensing keeps noxious iron at bay. Nat. Metab., 1: 501-2.
  • Von Gerichten J, Lamprecht D, Opálka L, Soulard D, Marsching C, Pilz R, Herzer S, Galy B, Nordström V, Hopf C, Trottein F, Sandhoff R (2019) Bacterial immunogenic α-galactosylceramide identified in the murine large intestine: dependency on diet and inflammation. J. Lipid Res., 60(11):1892-1904.
  • Luscieti S, Galy B, Gutierrez L, Reinke M, Couso J, Shvartsman M, DI Pascale A, Witke W, Hentwe MW, Pilo Boyl P, Sanchez M (2017) The actin binding protein profilin 2 is a novel regulator of iron homeostasis. Blood, 130:1934-45.
  • Muckenthaler M, Hentze MW, Rivella S, Galy B (2017) A red carpet for iron metabolism. Cell, 168:344-61.
  • Haddad S, Wang Y, Galy B, Korf-Klingebiel M, Hirsch V, Baru AM, Rostami F, Heineke J, Flögel U, Groos S, Renner A, Toischer K, Zimmermann F, Engeli S, Jordan J, Bauersachs J, Hentze MW, Wollert KC, Kempf T (2016) Iron-regulatory proteins secure iron availability in cardiomyocytes to prevent heart failure. Eur Heart J., 38:362-72.
  • Theurl M, Song D, Clark E, Sterling J, Grieco S, Altamura S, Galy B, Hentze MW, Muckenthaler MU, Dunaief, JL (2016) Mice with hepcidin-resistant ferroportin accumulate iron in the retina. FASEB J., 30:813-23.
  • Siegert I, Schödel J, Nairz M, Schatz V, Dettmer K, Dick C, Kalucka J, Franke K, Ehrenschwender M, Schley G, Beneke A, Sutter J, Moll M, Hellerbrand C, Wielockx B, Katschinski DM, Lang R, Galy B, Hentze MW, Koivunen P, Oefner PJ, Bogdan C, Weiss G, Willam C, Jantsch J (2015) Ferritin-mediated iron sequestration stabilizes hypoxia-inducible factor-1α upon LPS-activation in the presence of ample oxygen. Cell Reports, 13:2048-55.
  • Nairz M, Ferring-Appel D, Casarrubea D, Sonnweber T, Viatte L, Schroll A, Haschka D, Fang FC, Hentze MW, Weiss G, Galy B (2015) Iron Regulatory Proteins mediate host resistance to Salmonella infection. Cell Host Microbe, 18:1-8.
  • Guida C, Altamura A, Klein F, Galy B, Boutros M, Ulmer AJ, Hentze MW, Muckenthaler MU (2015) TLR2/6 control a novel inflammatory pathway for rapid hepcidin-independent hypoferremia. Blood, 125:2265-75.
  • Martelli A, Schmucker S,Reutenauer L, Mathieu JRR, Peyssonnaux C, Karim Z, Puy H, Galy B, Hentze MW, Puccio H (2015) Iron Regulatory Protein 1 sustains mitochondrial iron loading and function in frataxin deficiency. Cell Metab., 21:311-22.
  • Altamura S, Kessler R, Gröne HJ, Gretz N, Hentze MW, Galy B*, Muckenthaler MU* (2014) Hepcidin binding to ferroportin prevents exocrine pancreatic failure and fatal iron overload. Cell Metab., 20:359-67 (*shared senior authorship, corresponding author).
  • Chung J, Anderson SA, Gwynn B, K. Deck M, Chen MJ, Langer NB, Shaw GC, Huston NC, Boyer LF, Datta S, Paradakar PN, Li L, Wei Z, Lambert AJ, Sahr K, Wittig JG, Chen W, Lu W, Galy B, Schlaeger TM, Hentze MW, Ward DM, Kaplan J, Eisenstein RS, Peters LL, Paw BH (2014). Iron regulatory protein-1 protects against mitoferrin1-defficient porphyria. J. Biol. Chem., 289:7835-43.
  • Anderson SA, Nizzi CP, Chang YI, Deck KM, Schmidt PJ, Galy B, Damnernsawad A, Broman AT, Kendziorski C, Hentze MW, Fleming MD, Zhang J, Eisenstein RS (2013) The IRP1-HIF-2α Axis Coordinates Iron and Oxygen Sensing with Erythropoiesis and Iron Absorption. Cell Metab., 17:282-90.
  • Casarrubea D, Viatte L, Hallas T, Vasanthakumar A, Eisenstein RS, Schumann K, Hentze MW, Galy B (2013) Abnormal body iron distribution and erythropoiesis in a novel mouse model with inducible gain of IRP (iron regulatory protein) -1 function. J. Mol. Med., 91:871-81.
  • Galy B.*, Ferring-Appel D, Becker C, Gretz N, Gröne HJ, Schumann K, Hentze MW (2013) Iron regulatory proteins control a mucosal block to intestinal iron absorption. Cell Reports, 3:844-57 (corresponding author).
  • Sanchez M, Galy B, Schwanhäusser B, Blake J, Bähr-Ivacevic T, Benes V, Selbach M, Muckenthaler MU, Hentze MW (2011) Iron regulatory protein-1 and -2: transcriptome-wide definition of binding mRNAs and shaping of the cellular proteome by IRPs. Blood, 118:e168-e179.
  • Styś A, Galy B, Starzyński RR, Smuda E, Drapier JC, Lipiński P, Bouton C (2011) IRP1 outcompetes IRP2 in regulating cellular iron homeostasis in response to nitric oxide. J. Biol. Chem., 286:22846-854.
  • Cohen LA, Gutiereez L, Weiss A, Zhang D, Crooks D, Sougrat R, Morgenstern A, Galy B, Hentze MW, Lazaro FJ, Rouault TA, E.G. Meyron-Holtz (2010) Serum ferritin is derived primarily from macrophages through a non-classical secretory pathway. Blood, 116:1574-84.
  • Galy B, Ferring-Appel D, Sauer SW, Kaden S, Lyoumi S, Puy H, Kölker S, Gröne HJ, Hentze MW (2010) Iron regulatory proteins secure mitochondrial iron sufficiency and function. Cell Metab., 12:194-201.
  • Hentze MW, Muckenthaler M, Galy B, Camaschella C (2010) Two to tango: regulation of mammalian iron metabolism. Cell, 142:24-38.
  • Ferring-Appel D, Hentze MW, Galy B (2009) Cell autonomous and systemic context-dependent functions of iron regulatory protein 2 (IRP2) in mammalian iron metabolism. Blood, 113:679-87.
  • Viatte L, Gröne HJ, Hentze MW, Galy B (2009) In vivo role(s) of the iron regulatory proteins (IRP)1 and 2 in aseptic local inflammation. J. Mol. Med., 87:913-21.
  • Galy B, Ferring D, Kaden S, Gröne HJ, Hentze MW (2008) Iron regulatory proteins are essential for intestinal function and control the expression of key iron absorption molecules in the duodenum. Cell Metab., 7:79-85. (highlighted in “Science”, Editor’s choice Science, 319, pp. 387).
  • Muckenthaler MU, Galy B, Hentze MW (2008) Systemic iron homeostasis and the IRP/IRE regulatory network. Annu. Rev. Nutr., 28:197-213.
  • Vujic-Spasic M, Kiss J, Herrmann T, Galy B, Martinache S, Stolte J, Gröne HJ, Stremmel W, Hentze MW, Muckenthaler MU (2008) HFE acts in hepatocytes to prevent hemochromatosis. Cell Metab., 7:173-78.
  • Sanchez M, Galy B, Muckenthaler MU, Hentze MW (2007) Iron-regulatory proteins limit hypoxia-inducible factor-2a expression in iron deficiency. Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol., 14:420-26.
  • Sanchez M, Galy B, Muckenthaler MU, Hentze MW (2007) Identification of target mRNAs of regulatory RNA-binding proteins using mRNP immunopurification and microarrays. Nat. Protoc., 2:2033-42.
  • Vujic-Spasic M, Kiss J, Herrmann T, Kessler R, Stolte J, Galy B, Rathkolb B, Wolf E, Stremmel W, Hentze MW, Muckenthaler MU (2007) Physiologic systemic iron metabolism in mice deficient for duodenal Hfe. Blood, 109:4511-7.
  • Corna G, Galy B*, Hentze MW, Cairo G (2006) IRP1-independent alterations of cardiac iron metabolism in doxorubicin-treated mice. J. Mol. Med., 84:551-60. (*corresponding author).
  • Galy B, Holter SM, Klopstock T, Ferring D, Becker L, Kaden S, Wurst W, Grone HJ, Hentze MW (2006) Iron homeostasis in the brain: complete iron regulatory protein 2 deficiency without symptomatic neurodegeneration in the mouse. Nat Genet., 38:967-69.
  • Sanchez M, Galy B, Dandekar T, Bengert P, Vainshtein Y, Stolte J, Muckenthaler MU, Hentze MW (2006) Iron regulation and the cell cycle: identification of an iron-responsive element in the 3′-untranslated region of human cell division cycle 14A mRNA by a refined microarray-based screening strategy. J. Biol. Chem., 281:22865-74.
  • Galy B, Ferring D, Minana B, Bell O, Janser HG, Muckenthaler MU, Schumann K, Hentze MW (2005) Altered body iron distribution and microcytosis in mice deficient for Iron Regulatory Protein 2 (IRP2). Blood, 106:2580-89.
  • Galy B, Ferring D, Hentze MW (2005) Generation of conditional alleles of the murine iron regulatory protein (IRP)-1 and -2 genes. Genesis, 43:181-88.
  • Galy B, Ferring D, Benesova M, Benes V, Hentze MW (2004) Targeted mutagenesis of the murine IRP1 and IRP2 genes reveals context-dependent RNA processing differences in vivo. RNA, 10:1019-25.
  • Thoma C, Bergamini G, Galy B, Hundsdoerfer P, Hentze MW (2004) Enhancement of IRES-mediated translation of the c-myc and Bip mRNAs by the poly(A) tail is independent of intact eIF4G and PABP. Mol. Cell., 15:925-35.
  • Wang J, Chen G, Muckenthaler MU, Galy B, Hentze MW, Pantopoulos K (2004) Iron-mediated degradation of IRP2, an unexpected pathway involving a 2-oxoglutarate-dependent oxygenase activity. Mol. Cell. Biol., 24:954-65.
  • Galy B (2001) Translational control and synaptic activity: a role for IRES elements? Trends Biochem. Sci., 26:220.
  • Galy B (2001) Hereditary haemochromatosis: more causative genes. Trends Mol. Med., 7:385.
  • Galy B, Creancier L, Zanibellato C, Prats AC, Prats H (2001) Tumour suppressor p53 inhibits human fibroblast growth factor-2 expression by a post-transcriptional mechanism. Oncogene, 20:1669-77.
  • Galy B, Creancier L, Prado-Lourenco L, Prats AC, Prats H (2001) p53 directs conformational change and translation initiation blockade of human fibroblast growth factor-2 mRNA. Oncogene, 20:4613-20.
  • Vagner S, Galy B, Pyronnet S (2001) Irresistible IRES. Attracting the translation machinery to internal ribosome entry sites. EMBO Rep., 2:893-8.
  • Galy B (2000) Extracellular iron: a signal that can be sensed and transduced in bacteria. Trends Biochem. Sci., 25:643-4.
  • Galy B (2000) IRES elements: fine-tuning of gene expression at the translational level. Trends Biochem. Sci., 25:426.
  • Galy B, Maret A, Prats AC, Prats H (1999) Cell transformation results in the loss of the density dependent translational regulation of the expression of fibroblast growth factor-2 isoforms. Cancer Res., 59:165-71.
  • Rosmorduc O, Wendum D, Corpechot C, Galy B, Sebbagh N, Raleigh J, Housset C, Poupon R (1999) Hepatocellular hypoxia-induced vascular endothelial growth factor expression and angiogenesis in experimental biliary cirrhosis. Am. J. Pathol., 155:1065-73.
  • Vagner S, Touriol C, Galy B, Audigier S, Gensac MC, Amalric F, Bayard F, Prats H, Prats AC (1996) Translation of CUG- but not AUG-initiated forms of human fibroblast growth factor-2 is activated in transformed and stressed cells. J. Cell. Biol., 135:1391-402.
  • Maret A, Galy B, Arnaud E, Bayard F, Prats H (1995) Inhibition of fibroblast growth factor 2 expression by antisense RNA induced a loss of the transformed phenotype in a human hepatoma cell line. Cancer Res., 55:5075-9.

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