Research Group

AG Jürg Nüesch

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Dr. Jürg Nüesch

Parvovirus Host Cell Interactions

Protoparvoviruses were originally detected as contaminants in human tumor cell lines grown in nude rats, mice and hamsters. This became the basis for their natural oncotropism and oncolytic activities. One of these agents, H-1PV is validated as a potential anti-cancer agent in clinical trials of patients suffering of currently untreatable cancers. My Group is interested to study parvovirus host cell interactions on the molecular level to fund the basis for the improvement of safety and efficacy of these viruses in cancer therapy. For this we are addressing the following issues: 

  • a. Identification of potential marker/functions promoting neoplastic transformation. In naturally permissive cells, rodent PVs stimulate the PDK1/PKB/PKC signalling cascade to counteract stress responses and to ensure productive infection and spreading. Upon host switch to human cells, PVs strongly depend on this signalling pathway to be activated. This makes cancer cells ideal hosts for PV. Complementarities between PV interference in natural host cells and factors promoting permissiveness in human cancer cells are thought to serve as markers for neoplastic transformation.
  • b. By studying molecular mechanisms of PV induced egress and oncolysis we found that progeny particles are actively released in part through exosome-like vesicles. Concomitant with this release, viral and intracellular antigens become exposed at the cell surface. This exposure of viral proteins (PAMPs) together with danger-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) could play a crucial role to attract the host immune system in order to induce an anti-tumor immune-response significantly adding to the potential of PVs used for a Virotherapy of Cancer.
  • c. To generate a portfolio of self-propagating oncolytic (parvo)viruses for a virotherapy of cancer aiming to provide a panel of therapeutics for patient-tailored and to establish pre-treatment diagnostics.
  • d. Independent of self-propagating oncolytic PVs, we intend to design novel PV-derived oncotoxins to arm heterologous viruses for Virotherapy of Cancer and to improve the induction of a bystander effect by inducing an anti-tumor immune response.

Team Parvovirus Host Cell Interactions

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    Dr. Jürg Nüesch

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    Claudia Plotzky

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Dr. Jürg Nüesch

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