Research Group

AG Stefan Seitz

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Stefan Seitz

Viral Hepatitis and Liver Cancer

Figure 1. Computational virus discovery workflow. Left column: Analysis of hundreds of thousands of unprocessed NGS data sets from the Sequence Read Archive (SRA) requires enormous capacities for data storage and management. Middle column: In a first step, we apply Virushunter to detect data sets (highlighted in red) containing viral sequence fragments with high sensitivity and specificity. Right column: Only the virus-positive data sets are submitted to targeted assembly of viral genomes by Virusgatherer. ©

We have a long-standing interest in the discovery and evolution of viruses in general. Our "Data-Driven Virus Discovery" (DDVD; Lauber & Seitz, 2022) strategy involves two computational pipelines, termed Virushunter and Virusgatherer, dedicated to the identification of Next-Generation sequencing (NGS) experiments positive for viral sequence reads and the

In this project embedded in the Helmholtz initiative “Corona Virus Pathogenesis” (COVIPA) we have screened >500,000 individual transcriptome sequencing datasets covering the whole spectrum of eukaryotic organisms for the presence of sequences of viral origin.  We took advantage of the fact that the genomes and transcripts of known and unknown viruses are sequenced incidentally as “bycatch”, if the source material stems from an organ, tissue or cell infected by a virus at the time of sampling. In total, we recovered ~150,000 contigs representing genomic sequences of bona fide eukaryotic RNA viruses. About two thirds of them are only distantly related to any known RNA viruses constituting whole new virus families.

We will now use these data in order to contribute both to sustainable strategies towards preparedness for future emerging infective diseases and pandemics and to better understand and control the current pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2. We will derive, validate and apply a spillover and pandemic risk score to identify RNA viruses with highest zoonosis probability. We expect that this work will provide the basis for creating platforms for the high-throughput development of diagnostics, vaccines and antivirals for high-risk candidate virus groups.

Collaboration partners:

  • Chris Lauber, Institute for Experimental Virology, TWINCORE Centre for Experimental and Clinical Infection Research, Hannover.
  • Pascal Mutz, NIH, Bethesda MD, USA


  • Lauber C., and  Seitz S. (2022). Opportunities and Challenges of Data-Driven Virus Discovery. Biomolecules 12, 1073. PMID: 36008967
    • Lauber C., Vaas J., Klingler F., Mutz P, Gorbalenya A.E., Bartenschlager R., and Seitz S. (2021). Deep mining of the Sequence Read Archive reveals bipartite coronavirus genomes and inter-family Spike glycoprotein recombination. bioRxive (in revision). doi:
    • Lauber C., Seifert M., Bartenschlager R., and Seitz S. (2019). Discovery of highly divergent lineages of plant-associated astro-like viruses sheds light on the emergence of potyviruses. Virus Res. 260, 38-48. PMID: 30452944
    • Lauber C.*, Seitz S.*, **, Mattei S., Suh A., Beck J., Herstein J., Börold J., Salzburger W., Kaderali L., Briggs J.A.G., and Bartenschlager R. (2017). Deciphering the Origin and Evolution of Hepatitis B Viruses by Means of a Family of Non-enveloped Fish Viruses. Cell Host Microbe. 22, 387-399.e6. PMID: 28867387

*Equal contribution, **Corresponding author

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Stefan Seitz

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