Research Group

AG Marco Binder

Marco Binder, PhD

Dr. Marco Binder

Our Interests

Infection-associated cancer can be caused by so-called oncogenes introduced directly by the pathogen (e.g. the E6/E7 genes of the papilloma virus), but in any case a persistent/chronic infection is essential for cancer development. Even in the complete absence of classical oncogenes, the long-term presence of pathogens and pathogen components can induce a persistent inflammatory response in the infected organ, ultimately promoting "passive" carcinogenesis (general mini-review by Scott A. Read and Marc W. Douglas 2014, and specifically for Hepatitis C virus by us Felix Fiehn, Claudia Beisel and Marco Binder 2024).

Our research group focuses on viral infections and tries to understand why the innate viral defense, which almost every cell in the body is capable of, recognizes and controls some viruses well, but fails with others. This can lead to serious courses of infections (e.g. SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19) or to virus persistence (e.g. hepatitis C virus / chronic hepatitis C). Our goal is to better understand which molecular mechanisms are responsible for this, both on the side of the virus, but especially on the side of the host cell. In the long term, a better understanding of the responsible processes can ideally be exploited therapeutically (or prophylactically) to prevent severe courses, or to counteract or break the chronification of an infection.

Another aspect of our work is the relationship between these antiviral defense mechanisms and the body's control of tumorigenesis. In recent years, increasing evidence has been found that these same antiviral signaling pathways are also centrally involved in the recognition of DNA damage, which in principle has the potential to "transform" a cell and turn it into a cancer cell. We are trying to understand how and under what circumstances the antiviral system leads to the elimination of the damaged cell before tumorigenesis occurs. Furthermore, we are trying to exploit this system to improve chemo- and radiotherapy of tumors.

For the study of cellular pathogen recognition and subsequent antiviral signaling pathways, we use a wide variety of model viruses and systems, such as Vesicular Stomatitis Virus (VSV), Rift Valley Fever Virus (RVFV), or virus-free stimulation of the antiviral defense program by transfection of ligand RNA or expression of constitutively active signaling molecules. Using molecular and cell biological, as well as biochemical methods, we investigate the signaling pathways leading to the induction of type I and III interferons, the proinflammatory system and, in certain cases, cell death. Increasing focus is currently being put on interactions between "professional" immune cells and "normal" tissue cells, as well as mechanisms of gene regulation at the single cell level.

Research group Dynamics of early viral infection and the innate antiviral response

Panel (A) shows examples of temporally highly resolved measurements of activation of two different stages of antiviral signaling. Similarly, we characterized many further steps of RIG-I and interferon signaling in order to obtain a full understanding of the kinetics of the antiviral response. (B) schematically shows the regulator role of DAPK1 in the termination of RIG-I antiviral signaling in a negative feedback loop. | ©

Understanding the dynamics and regulation of cell-intrinsic antiviral signaling

In order to sense a viral infection and trigger an appropriate defensive response, the cell has developed a set of sensor molecules. One of the most prominent sensors is retinoic acid inducible gene I (RIG-I). Upon recognition of viral RNA, RIG-I triggers a signaling cascade through the crucial innate adapter molecule MAVS, eventually leading to activation of the latent transcription factors IRF-3 and NFkB. These transcription factors in turn drive the production and secretion of type I and III interferons, which are highly potent mediators of the antiviral response, driving the infected as well as surrounding cells into an alert antiviral state, which, in most cases, is sufficient in restricting the replication and spread of the virus.

We are very much interested in understanding the dynamics of this vital signaling system and how it is modulated by cellular regulators as well as virus encoded antagonists. For the body, on the one hand, it is extremely important to tightly regulate these potent responses as aberrant activation or prolonged / overshooting activity of these systems are known to cause severe damage to the organism. On the other hand, upon recognition of only a tiny amount of non-self, virus-derived molecules, the defense system has fire up instantly in order to stop the fast exponential replication of the pathogen. We have established different technological approaches to study the dynamics of these processes (figure 1A) and to identify and characterize molecular regulators. 

The dynamics of cell-intrinsic antiviral defense responses is crucial as it is racing against extremely fast pathogens. As viruses also fight back, frequently encoding very potent antagonists of innate immune pathways, it is vital for the cell to stay ahead. In a long and tedious project, we have recently finished the most comprehensive characterization of the signaling dynamics of the RIG-I and interferon pathway to date (Burkart 2023). In this project, we have also approached the qualitative nature of viral antagonism (dampening vs. delaying the response) and learned a lot that turned out to be important also for countering SARS-CoV-2 (see below). Together with the group of Ursula Klingmüller here at DKFZ, we have previously also studied the dynamics and complex regulatory events in the downstream interferon signaling system (Robichon 2020; Kok 2020).

As for regulators of the cell-intrinsic antiviral system, we have performed a high-throughput screen for cellular kinases regulating the RIG-I signaling pathway several years ago. We described one kinase, DAKP1, to be an induced inhibitor of the sensor molecule RIG-I, contributing to the proper termination of the antiviral defense program (Willemsen 2017, Figure 1B). A follow-up investigating the effects of DAPK2 and -3 is currently in the making, and further >20 kinases were identified in this study and await in-depth characterization. Moreover, we were collaborating to study the role of ubiquitin-ligases TRIM25 and RIPLET in the activation of the RIG-I / IRF3 signaling pathway and found a surprisingly impactful role for RIPLET (Cadena 2019; Hayman 2019). In another siRNA screen, we furthermore identified several other ubi-ligases potentially playing a role in regulating the antiviral pathway, which are currently under scrutiny. At the level of transcription factors, we were curious about the roles of the different "interferon regulatory factors" (IRFs) in our beloved model cell line A549, beyond the well-established roles for IRF3 and IRF9 (Wüst 2021).

  • Burkart SS, Schweinoch D, Frankish J, Sparn C, Wüst S, Urban C, Merlo M, Magalhães VG, Piras A, Pichlmair A, Willemsen J, Kaderali L, Binder M. (2023) High-resolution kinetic characterization of the RIG-I-signaling pathway and the antiviral response. Life Sci Alliance, 6(10):e202302059. doi: 10.26508/lsa.20230205
  • Wüst S, Schad P, Burkart SS, Binder M (2021) Comparative Analysis of Six IRF Family Members in Alveolar Epithelial Cell-Intrinsic Antiviral Responses. Cells 10(10):2600
  • Robichon K, Maiwald T, Schilling M, Schneider A, Willemsen J, Salopiata F, Teusel M, Kreutz C, Ehlting C, Huang J, Chakraborty S, Huang X, Damm G, Seehofer D, Lang PA, Bode JG, Binder M, Bartenschlager R, Timmer J, Klingmüller U (2020) Identification of Interleukin1β as an Amplifier of Interferon alpha-induced Antiviral Responses. PLoS Pathog, 16(10):e1008461
  • Kok F, Rosenblatt M, Teusel M, Nizharadze T, Gonçalves Magalhães V, Dächert C, Maiwald T, Vlasov A, Wäsch M, Tyufekchieva S, Hoffmann K, Damm G, Seehofer D, Boettler T, Binder M, Timmer J, Schilling M, Klingmüller U (2020) Disentangling molecular mechanisms regulating sensitization of interferon alpha signal transduction. Mol Syst Biol, 16(7):e8955
  • Cadena C, Ahmad S, Xavier A, Willemsen J, Park S, Park JW, Oh SW, Fujita T, Hou F, Binder M, Hur S (2019) Ubiquitin-Dependent and -Independent Roles of E3 Ligase RIPLET in Innate Immunity. Cell 177(5):1187-1200.e16
  • Hayman TJ, Hsu AC, Kolesnik TB, Dagley LF, Willemsen J, Tate MD, Baker PJ, Kershaw NJ, Kedzierski L, Webb AI, Wark PA, Kedzierska K, Masters SL, Belz GT, Binder M, Hansbro PM, Nicola NA, Nicholson SE (2019) RIPLET, and not TRIM25, is required for endogenous RIG-I-dependent antiviral responses. Immunol Cell Biol 97(9):840-852
  • Willemsen, J., Wicht, O., Wolanski, J.C., Baur, N., Bastian, S., Haas, D.A., Matula, P., Knapp, B., Meyniel-Schicklin, L., Wang, C., Bartenschlager, R., Lohmann, V., Rohr, K., Erfle, H., Kaderali, L., Marcotrigiano, J., Pichlmair, A. and Binder, M. (2017) Phosphorylation-Dependent Feedback Inhibition of RIG-I by DAPK1 Identified by Kinome-wide siRNA Screening. Molecular Cell 65 (3):403–415
Team Binder Lab | ©
Team Binder Lab | ©

Research group Dynamics of early viral infection and the innate antiviral response

Get in touch with us

Marco Binder, PhD
Dr. Marco Binder

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