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We regularly supervise statistics and mathematical students in writing their BA and MA theses about topics we encounter in our everyday work, we offer internships and supervise PhD theses. Find below a selection of topics.

PhD Theses

  • Model selection in the framework of multi-state models
  • Identification of predictive factors for treatment efficacy in randomized and non-randomized settings
  • Strategies for cancer clinical trials with multiple biomarkers
  • Extending the multistate framework to incorporate high-dimensional genomic information
  • Estimation of effective concentrations from in vitro dose-response data using
  • the log-logistic model

Master Theses

  • Explorative Identifikation von prädiktiven Biomarkern für Überlebenszeitendpunkte (Exploratory identification of predictive biomarkers for time-to-event endpoints)
  • On multiple comparison adjustments in Bayesian clinical trial design
  • Risks and benefits of autologous stem cell transplantations in treating elderly patients with multiple myeloma: Competing risks analyses
  • Regression models for bounded responses with application to DNA methylation
  • Estimating classification probabilities for personalized diagnostics using high-dimensional methylation data
  • Comparing clustering methods for Infinium DNA methylation data
  • Identification of predictive biomarker signatures based on high-dimensional genomic data
  • Evaluation of different pre-screening procedures to reduce dimensionality in high-dimensional Cox models
  • Untersuchungen zu Fallzahl und Power für onkologische Studien mit Langzeitüberlebenden (Investigations on sample size and power for oncology studies with long-term survivors)
  • A Bias-corrected Estimator for Distance Correlation and its Application in Biostatistics
  • Comparing Cox-model based survival tests on large genomic data
  • Evaluating Two-Level Data: Comparison of Linear Mixed Model Analysis and ANOVA based on Averaged Replicate Measurements

Bachelor Theses

  • Cutpointanalysen für prognostische Faktoren zur Vorhersage komplexer Ereigniszeiten (Cut-point analyses for prognostic factors with respect to complex time-to-event endpoints)
  • Multiple imputation under not-at-random missingness with application in prediction with qPCR data
  • Konfidenzintervalle für das Hazard Ratio und ihre Verträglichkeit mit dem Log-Rank Test: Eine vergleichende Simulationsstudie (Confidence intervals for the hazard ratio and its consistency with the log-rank test: a comparing simulation study)


  • Multiple imputation using Substantive Model Compatible Fully Conditional Specification with time-varying covariates
  • Multiple imputation of covariates in Cox proportional hazards models with interaction terms
  • Exact unconditional testing for the difference of partially paired proportions
  • Performance of different imputation approaches in Label-Free Mass-Spectrometry Proteomics data
  • Genome-wide significance and empirical type I error rate of different survival tests - A simulation study
  • Implementation of a software pipeline for the analysis of dose response experiments for combination treatments in ray designs.

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