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Personalized Early Detection of Prostate Cancer

Division of Personalized Early Detection of Prostate Cancer

Prof. Dr. Peter Albers

Risk-adapted prostate cancer screening strategy in PROBASE trial

The newly founded unit C130 specializes on new personalized tools for early prediction of prostate cancer. The unit works closely together with the Division of Cancer Epidemiology (R. Kaaks, C020). This is not only demonstrated by jointly leading the PROBASE trial, one of the largest currently active prostate cancer screening trials worldwide, but also by several research projects derived from PROBASE.

In brief, PROBASE is a collaborate screening study with 4 clinical study sites at the university hospitals in Düsseldorf, Hannover, Heidelberg and the Technical University in Munich. The data management of the trial is coordinated at the DKFZ since the beginning in 2013 (to that time Prof. Nikolaus Becker was responsible for this coordination until his retirement). The trial is completely funded by the German Cancer Aid (Deutsche Krebshilfe). Since the 4th funding period starting March 1, 2022, the complete trial coordination moved from the university hospital in Düsseldorf to the DKFZ. The trial incorporates reference institutions for radiology (Düsseldorf University), nuclear medicine (Düsseldorf University), and pathology (Bonn University). At all sites, liquid biobanking has been established. In addition, biopsy samples and samples from radical prostatectomy specimens are stored in a tissue biobank at Bonn University. An image databank has been established at Düsseldorf University. A total of more than 50 scientists, researchers, and documentary personnel are currently working for PROBASE.

Prostate Cancer Screening is on the agenda of the EU to further develop risk-adapted screening programs. PROBASE will play a major role in delivering data for this approach.

At a national level, PROBASE data and strategy may be used to develop a pilot risk-adapted screening program also for Germany.

Meanwhile, PROBASE data and biomaterial will serve as a source for translational programs to personalize the screening strategy for prostate cancer.


Prof. Dr. Peter Albers
Personalized Early Detection of Prostate Cancer (C130)
Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum
Im Neuenheimer Feld 581
69120 Heidelberg
Tel: +49 6221 42-3046

Selected Publications

  • Risk-adjusted Screening for Prostate Cancer-Defining the Low-risk Group by Data from the PROBASE Trial. Krilaviciute A, Kaaks R, Seibold P, de Vrieze M, Lakes J, Radtke JP, Kuczyk M, Harke NN, Debus J, Fink CA, Herkommer K, Gschwend JE, Meissner VH, Benner A, Kristiansen G, Hadaschik B, Arsov C, Schimmöller L, Antoch G, Giesel FL, Makowski M, Wacker F, Schlemmer HP, Becker N, Albers P. Eur Urol. 2024 May 15:S0302-2838(24)02358-3. doi: 10.1016/j.eururo.2024.04.030. Online ahead of print. PMID: 38749854
  • Krilaviciute A, Becker N, Lakes J, Radtke JP, Kuczyk M, Peters I, Harke NN, Debus J, Koerber SA, Herkommer K, Gschwend JE, Meissner VH, Benner A, Seibold P, Kristiansen G, Hadaschik B, Arsov C, Schimmöller L, Giesel FL, Antoch G, Makowski M, Wacker F, Schlemmer HP, Kaaks R, Albers P. Digital Rectal Examination Is Not a Useful Screening Test for Prostate Cancer. Eur Urol Oncol. 2023 Dec;6(6):566-573. doi: 10.1016/j.euo.2023.09.008. Epub 2023 Oct 6. PMID: 37806841
  • Krilaviciute A, Albers P, Lakes J, Radtke JP, Herkommer K, Gschwend J, Peters I, Kuczyk M, Koerber SA, Debus J, Kristiansen G, Schimmöller L, Antoch G, Makowski M, Wacker F, Schlemmer H, Benner A, Giesel F, Siener R, Arsov C, Hadaschik B, Becker N, Kaaks R. Adherence to a risk-adapted screening strategy for prostate cancer: First results of the PROBASE trial. Int J Cancer. 2023 Mar 1;152(5):854-864. doi: 10.1002/ijc.34295. Epub 2022 Oct 5. PMID: 36121664
  • Arsov C, Albers P, Herkommer K, Gschwend J, Imkamp F, Peters I, Kuczyk M, Hadaschik B, Kristiansen G, Schimmöller L, Antoch G, Rummeny E, Wacker F, Schlemmer H, Benner A, Siener R, Kaaks R, Becker N. A randomized trial of risk-adapted screening for prostate cancer in young men-Results of the first screening round of the PROBASE trial. Int J Cancer. 2022 Jun 1;150(11):1861-1869. doi: 10.1002/ijc.33940. Epub 2022 Feb 17. PMID: 35076933
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