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National Cancer Prevention Center

National Cancer Prevention Center

The German Cancer Research Center (Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, DKFZ) and Deutsche Krebshilfe have agreed to establish the National Cancer Prevention Center with a new building in Heidelberg as part of a long-term partnership. With the National Cancer Prevention Center, evidence-based and increasingly personalized cancer prevention will be systematically expanded throughout Germany with the involvement of further regional partners. All essential components from basic research to clinical trials, evidence-based counseling of the population in all age groups as well as education and training of prevention experts and multipliers will be bundled and integrated under one roof. Experts will develop evidence-based programs for prevention adapted to personal cancer risk and design campaigns to spread prevention awareness nationwide with the support of other partnerships. This integrated concept makes prevention research directly perceptible for the population, media and political decision-makers in a unique way and will lead to cancer prevention research finally receiving the elevated status it deserves in the future due to its high potential.

Strategic Outline

With the National Cancer Prevention Center, which is currently being established as a model comprehensive cancer prevention center pilot institution in partnership between the DKFZ and the German Cancer Aid, evidence-based and increasingly personalized cancer prevention will be systematically expanded throughout Germany with the involvement of further regional partners.

German Cancer Aid (Deutsche Krebshilfe)

German Cancer Aid is funding the establishment of the National Cancer Prevention Center with 25 million euros. The further development of cancer prevention to reduce incidence as well as improve early detection is a focus of the foundation, which has been has been informing about preventable cancer risk factors for many years.

Cancer Prevention Research at DKFZ

The DKFZ's wide-ranging prevention research is brought together under one roof in the National Cancer Prevention Center. Using studies, scientists investigate which risk factors exist that cause cancer and which measures can be derived from them to prevent the onset of cancer or to detect its development at a very early stage.

Prevention Outpatient Clinic

As a research platform, the Model Prevention Outpatient Clinic invites citizens to participate in innovative prevention projects and studies. Supported by evidence-based digital tools, citizens will have their personal cancer risk assessed and receive comprehensive, quality-assured advice on cancer prevention.

School of Prevention

An innovative education and training center is being established at the National Cancer Prevention Center with the aim of establishing academic and non-academic professional profiles in the field of cancer prevention. Within the Cancer Prevention Graduate School, excellent young scientists will be trained to become the next generation of cancer prevention researchers.

Digital Cancer Prevention

Through the development of innovative digital systems, personalized cancer prevention and risk-adapted early detection measures will be made (increasingly) accessible across the country. The data wealth gained will be made usable for future cancer prevention research with the help of state-of-the-art information technologies and data science.

National Cancer Prevention Week

With the National Cancer Prevention Week, which takes place annually in September, the DKFZ, German Cancer Aid and, since 2021, the German Cancer Society draw attention to the great potential of cancer prevention with nationwide campaigns and support from many partners.

International Conference on Cancer Prevention

With the International Conference on Cancer Prevention, we anticipate to pool cancer prevention research expertise from around the world as a stimulation for scientific exchange and to raise awareness within the population on the important topic of cancer prevention.

German Prize for Cancer Prevention Research

The German Prize for Cancer Prevention Research, sponsored by the Manfred Lautenschläger Foundation, was awarded for the first time in 2021 by the DKFZ to outstanding scientists in recognition of their achievements in the field of cancer prevention research.

Further Information and Materials

In our extensive collection of information and materials, you will find numerous brochures, video clips, and related links on cancer prevention, risk factors, and health opportunities. All information is quality-checked and regularly updated.
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