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Medical Physics Seminar, WS 2023/2024

DKFZ, Division of Medical Physics in Radiology (E020)

(Imaging topics: Every winter semester)

Im Neuenheimer Feld 223 (Radiologisches Entwicklungszentrum, REZ),
F.02.082 or online.

Wednesdays,14:00 (s.t.) - 15:00.

Currently, the talks are mostly planned to be held online and transmitted via

Registration: Please send an e-mail to

The seminar is planned to start on 18 October 2023. Speakers / Titles will be announced here and by e-mail.
One credit point upon request, no grade.

Link with information for students

Schedule Winter Semester 2023/2024

• 18.10.23 Jens Maebe, Medical Image and Signal Processing, Prof. Stefaan Vandenberghe, Department of Electronics and Information Systems, Ghent University, Belgium
Walk-Through PET: a novel flat panel total-body PET design based on monolithic detector technology

• 25.10.23 no seminar

• 01.11.23 no seminar

• 08.11.23 no seminar

• 15.11.23 Prof. Dr. Tobias Wech, Experimentelle Radiologie, Institut für Diagnostische und Interventionelle Radiologie, Uniklinikum Würzburg
Machine learning in MR image reconstruction: Potential and challenges of current approaches

• 22.11.23 Danila A. Barskiy, PhD, Sofja Kovalevskaja Research Group Leader, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Helmholtz Institute Mainz
Low- to Zero-field NMR of in situ Hyperpolarized Molecules at Natural Isotopic Abundance

• 29.11.23 Prof. Dr. Frederik Laun, Institute of Radiology, University Hospital Erlangen, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), Erlangen
Diffusion-Weighted Breast and Liver MRI

• 06.12.23 CANCELLED - to be rescheduled.
Prof. Dr. Boris Keil, Institut für Medizinische Physik und Strahlenschutz (IMPS),Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen, Gießen
Parallel MRI Signal Detection

• 13.12.23 Rescheduled.

• 17.01.24 Max Lutz, Department Ultrahigh Field MRI, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Berlin
MR Fingerprinting Based Absolute B1+ Mapping in the Human Body at 7T

• 24.01.24
no seminar

• 07.02.24 Dr. Caroline Le Ster, Neurospin, Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives (CEA-Saclay), France
Towards fMRI at 11.7T in humans

• 08.02.2024, Thursday, 13 h
Prof. Dr. Ferdia Gallagher, Department of Radiology, University of Cambridge, Addenbrooke's Hospital, UK
Imaging tumour metabolism with MRI

• 29.02.24
Dr. Jannie Wijnen, University Medical Centre Utrecht, The Netherlands
Metabolic imaging in pediatrics

Hosts: Prof. Dr. Mark E. Ladd, Prof. Dr. Marc Kachelrieß, Prof. Dr. Oliver Jäkel, Prof. Dr. Leif Schröder, Priv.-Doz. Dr. Tristan A. Kuder,  Dr. Philipp Biegger, Dr. Thomas Fiedler, Dr. Stefan Kegel, Dr. Andreas Korzowski, Dr. Jan Kuntz, Dr. Stephan Orzada, Dr. Jörg Peter, Dr. Tanja Platt, Gino Rincon, Dr. Stefan Sawall, Dr. Sebastian Schmitter


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