Our team
Our team is composed of physicists, engineers, chemists, lab technicians, and administrative support dedicated to improving non-invasive imaging for the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. Members come from all over the world, including Germany, Russia, Chile, China, Italy, and the USA.

Head of Division
Prof. Dr. Mark Ladd
Head of Division and Coordinator of the Research Topic Imaging and Radiooncology
Sabine Fritz
Alissa Greshake
Priv. Doz. Dr. Tristan Anselm Kuder
Group leader & Deputy Head of Division
Dr. Stefan Kegel
Scientific support
Christian Kindtner
Technical assistant
Dr. Armin Nagel
Research Group NMR spectroscopy and CEST imaging
Prof. Dr. Peter Bachert
Group leader
Dr. Andreas Korzowski
Group leader
Dr. Philip Boyd
Project group leader
Dr. Vanessa Franke
Project group leader
Helen Abeln
PhD student
Marcel Awenius
PhD student
Renate Bangert
Neele Kempa
Student assistant
Dr. Alexandra Lipka
Research scientist
Dr. Petr Menshchikov
Research scientist
Melanie Müller
Justyna Platek
PhD student
Jan-Philipp Schmitz
M.Sc. student
Lauren Seeger
M.Sc. student
Anton Stahl
PhD student
Jannis Wirtz
M.Sc. student
Research Group Functional and Molecular Emission Computed Tomography
Dr. Jörg Peter
Group leader
Research Group 7 Tesla MRI: Proton imaging and RF pulse design
Sebastian Schmitter
Group leader
Seraphin Bücklers
Student assistant
Petr Bulanov
PhD student
Johannes Grimm
PhD student
Research Group 7 Tesla MR: RF Systems and Concepts
Dr. Stephan Orzada
Group leader
Jan Kesting
Student assistant
Ignacio Nicolás Lopez Martinez
PhD student
Andrea Pino Ramos
PhD student
Yuting Wang
PhD student
Research Group Diffusion Weighted Imaging
Priv. Doz. Dr. Tristan Anselm Kuder
Group leader & Deputy Head of Division
Oliver Gödicke
PhD student
Pablo Jimenez
PhD student
Laura Körner
M.Sc. student
Julian Rauch
Dr. Reiner Umathum
Research scientist
Jinyang Yu
PhD student
Project Group Electromagnetic Simulations and RF Safety
Dr. Thomas Fiedler
Project group leader
Rosa Daschner
PhD student
Franziska Masuch
M.Sc. student
Francesca Vacca
PhD student
Henrik zu Jeddeloh
PhD student
Project Group MR-guided Therapy
Dr. Tanja Platt
Project group leader
Project Group 7 Tesla MR: Multinuclear MRI
Dr. Tanja Platt
Project group leader
Jana Losch
PhD student
Anna Scheipers
PhD student
Henrik zu Jeddeloh
PhD student
Project Group 1H imaging
Dr. Simon Schmidt
Project group leader
Electronic & Embedded Systems Development Lab
Steffen Seeber
Carlos Murillo