Functional & Molecular Emission Computed Tomography

Functional & Molecular Emission Computed Tomography

Simulation & rendering of 11C positron decay in tissue, J. Peter ZMP cover image 16(1) 2006

Our research group is set up to improve and enhance the diagnostic value of emission tomographic imaging systems as specifically related to cancer. These include the nuclear medicine imaging modalities positron emission tomography (PET) and single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) both for clinical and for preclinical applications. With a focus on preclinical imaging in small animals these also include the optical modalities bioluminescence imaging (BLI) as well as fluorescence mediated imaging (FMI) and fluorescence diffusion optical tomography (DOT).

Research Topics

  • Multimodal emission imaging systems involving FMT, BLI, CT, SPECT
  • Synchromodal emission imaging systems involving FMT, BLI, MRI, PET
  • Simulation tools for multimodal imaging systems involving keV and eV photons
  • Monolithic PET detector units for pre-clinical and whole-body PET
  • Plenoptic imaging systems for in vivo FMT, BLI, DOT
  • Anthropomorphic and zoomorphic phantoms with integrated tumor tissues

Our group is a member of the Crystal Clear Collaboration.

Some of our projects are envisioned and put into action in a truly multimodal instrumentation context. This includes research on (large-field-of-view, LFOV) PET-CT and PET-MRI (clinical systems) as well as optical imaging combined with any other modality. The world's first triple modality SPECT-FMI/BLI-CT mouse imager (left figure, top:front view of the trimodality imaging system, bottom: fused MIP view of reconstructed CT, SPECT, and 2-D FMT data (reference)) was build in this research group.

The objective of this instrument was intended for simultaneous detection of radiolabeled pharmaceutical distributions (SPECT), near-infrared fluorescent molecular markers (fluorescence mediated imaging and tomography (FMI/FMT)) and/or bioluminescence imaging (BLI) and high-resolution x-ray tomography (CT) with axially un-shifted (i.e. identical), spatially over-lapping field-of-views (FOV) of all involved sub-modalities. For SPECT imaging a compact gamma detector (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility, USA) is implemented. It consists of a 2x2 array of Hamamatsu H8500 position sensitive photomultiplier tubes which are attached to a 66x66 array of opto-decoupled 1.3x1.3x6 mm3 NaI(Tl) crystal elements (St. Gobain) yielding a total detector area of 10x10 cm2. Various collimators (pinhole, fan beam, parallel beam) can be attached to the camera for specific imaging purposes. A high resolution ORCA AG cooled CCD camera (Hamamatsu) is used for the optical detector sub-system, containing a progressive scan interline CCD chip with a 1344x1024 pixel array and 12 bit digital output. Various laser sources, selected by wavelength and light power requirements, can be mounted on the gantry. The x-ray CT sub-system employs a Series 5000 Apogee x-ray tube (Oxford Instruments) with a maximum power of 50W, at 4 to 50kV, 0 to 1mA. The focal spot size is 35µm and the cone angle is 24 degrees. The x-ray detector is a Shad-o-Box 2048 (Rad-icon Imaging Corp.) containing a 50x100 mm2 Gd2O2S scintillator screen that is placed in direct contact with a CMOS photodiode array with 48µm sensor pixel size. The integration concept is laid out in a fully modular manner whereby all components are mounted on a common gantry system such that a wide range of applications can be performed. Such design yields highest possible sub- and/or multi-modality performance. The entire assembly is enclosed in a light-tight and gamma-ray shielded compartment which is mounted on a movable trolley containing another compartment holding all necessary camera control, data read-out, laser light, gantry and linear stage motion control electronics as well as high-voltage and power supply, and workstation computers. Unified simultaneous data acquisition, image reconstruction, and fused planar and tomographic image display is possible using our tri-modal imager thus providing intrinsically registered potentially three-dimensional fluorescence and radiopharmaca distribution maps carrying molecular and functional information that is correlated to the anatomy of the imaged object provided by x-ray.


  • Employee image

    Dr. Jörg Peter

    Group leader


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