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Technical Infrastructure

DKFZ 1964


The Technical Infrastructure department reports directly to the commercial director of the DKFZ. As its internal support unit, it is responsible for the creation, provisioning, and operation of the entire technical infrastructure.

DKFZ 1972


Since the founding of the DKFZ, the department has contributed considerably to the management of the premises, the laboratories and the technical supply. Recently in 2010, the DKFZ‘s 106,000 m² premises (NF1-9) were renovated and redesigned into a cutting edge location for biomedical research. This renovation will be continued with the Radiological Development Center and the Center for Preclinical Research.

DKFZ today


Both the development and construction, as well as the management of these DKFZ buildings are carried out by the Technical Infrastructure department. Not just the operation of complex medical machinery, but also the media supply of biomedical laboratories and ventilation systems require particular attention. Both in the construction as well as the management of the buildings, Technical Infrastructure does its job to ensure sustainable resource management.

DKFZ today


In addition to the purely technical working groups, the facility management section of the Technical Infrastructure department is responsible for postal and security, as well as cleaning and driving services. Waste disposal is also part of facility management. 

To cover the whole spectrum, Technical Infrastructure employs a total of 7 working groups. These include the “Building” group, the “Heating, AC, Ventilation, and Sanitation” group, the “Electrical Engineering” and “Facility Management” groups, as well as the “Waste Disposal”, “TGA Projects”, and “Commercial Processing” groups.


Hans-Joachim Wagner
Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum
Z070 / Technische Infrastruktur
Im Neuenheimer Feld 280
69120 Heidelberg

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