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Major Cancer Biology Students 2007

5. November 2009: First DKFZ PhD and Master students Graduation Ceremony



Professor Wiestler, Chairman of the Management Board and Scientific Director of the German Cancer Research Center, congratules the students who have successfully completed their Master degree. Having returned to their home country or having started Ph.D. work abroad not all were able to attend the ceremony in Heidelberg. Congratulations to all!

October 2007: These 22 students were the first to join the newly installed International Master Program "Molecular Biosciences" with Major Cancer Biology


On October 16, 2007 these 22 international students were welcomed at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) in Heidelberg by the Program Coordinator, Prof. Thomas Efferth.

During the first three semesters they have successfully attended the various parts of the Major Cancer Biology study program and were then ready to start their Master thesis work in the lab of a Cancer Biology faculty member. Most of them will graduate in early to late summer 2009.

Anil Demirata (Turkey)
Katrin Faber (Germany)
Nathalie Fiegler (Germany)
Désirée Glagow (Germany)
Jan Hettinger (Germany)
Cindy Horwedel (Germany)
Hanna Jacobsson (Sweden)
Julia Jäger (Germany)
Claudia Korn (Germany)
Katharina Köther (Germany)
Stefan Kunz (Germany)
Kristina Ludigs (Germany)
Christian Panke (Germany)
Corinna Patzina (Germany)
Vlada Rosmann (Germany)
Anja Schwäger (Germany)
Roberta Scognamiglio (Italy)
Hanna Seitz (Germany)
Jiaming Sun (PR China)
Vivian Dietrich, née Szabó (Germany)
Aoife Ward (Ireland)
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