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Jobs & Career

Jobs & Career

The German Cancer Research Center offers excellent working conditions and a modern, international environment.

DKFZ has an exceptional track record in education and training of the next generation of cancer researchers, and has dedicated programs tailored to each career stage, brought together under the roof of our Cancer Research Academy.

These include MSc, PhD and Postdoctoral programs, a dedicated clinician-scientist program, and support for junior group leaders, as well as training programs dedicated to specific scientific topics, such as the Helmholtz Information and Data Science School for Health.

An integrated portfolio of professional training and support programs are available to scientists and staff at all levels, including a scientific Career Development Center.

Supporting young researchers and other young job entrants is a major priority at DKFZ. The Center is one of the largest providers of vocational training in the region and offers about 100 apprenticeships every year. Through the DKFZ-run Heidelberg Life-Science Lab, local high school students are also supported to develop their interest in the life sciences at an early stage.

The DKFZ has a long tradition of promoting equal opportunities. The Center was successfully audited by the "Work and Family" program, which assesses instruments to combine work and family. To support "Dual careers", the Center assists partners of newly appointed scientists in their search for jobs in the region in collaboration with other Heidelberg research institutes.

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