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The equal opportunities officer offers counselling on parental leave and back to work plan and provides information to young families on child-care and schools in Heidelberg.
To find information on childcare centers in Heidelberg, visit

DKFZ supports two childcare centers located nearby the institute in Heidelberg:
Die Wichtel und die Glückskinderwelt.

For more information, contact the equal opportunities and diversity office:


Die Wichtel


Die Glückskinderwelt

Parent-child room (Room D036)

Since 2006 DKFZ has a recognized "Still- und Wickelpunkt", a fully equipped room with all necessary devices including a PC. It offers you a quiet and discrete environment during pregnancy, when breast feeding or even when working with a baby.

In urgent need for a babysitter, the Heidelberg University offers a BACKUP service

Our collaboration partner Bündnis für Familie Heidelberg provides a list of babysitters and the possibility to post your own requirements. Check out the Babysitterbörse

The equal opportunities and diversity officer is available for advising on all the above mentioned topics!



Work and care

Managing a professional career and caring for a relative represents a special situation and an immense challenge for caregivers. The compatibility of work and family care will be a central issue in the future and will pose many questions to employees and companies alike. Bündnis für FamilieHeidelberg, of which the DKFZ has been a member since 2010, provides information on contact points in and around Heidelberg on its website.

Further important information can be found in the two brochures "Wegweiser für ältere Menschen" (a guide for the elderly) and "Ratgeber Demenz" (a guide for people affected by dementia), which can be downloaded free of charge from the Stadt Heidelberg webpage under 'Menschen' – 'Seniorinnen und Senioren' – 'Informationsbroschüren'. Unfortunately, these brochures are currently only available in German. Please visit ( In addition, the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ) has also created an Internet portal that provides information and help in dealing with dementia.

The DKFZ together with its network partners have addressed the topic "Balance between work and care" in an annually alternating lecture series Angehörigenpflege von A-Z (Family care from A-Z)

Links to further broschures/newsletters (in German)

  • Auf der Suche nach der passenden Wohn- und Betreuungsform - Ein Wegweiser für ältere Menschen -
  • Flyer - Pflegestützpunkt Heidelberg
  • Angebot der Familienpflege Mobil Heidelberg
  • Care guide BMG_2019
  • Pflege auf einen Blick in Heidelberg
  • The website "Haushaltshelden" offers connections to cleaners, babysitters, nannies, pet care, garden help, private tutoring, senior care and technical help:


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