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Members RNA@DKFZ

A010 Stem Cells & Cancer - Stammzellen & Krebs
Head: Andreas Trumpp   

A014 Metastatic Niches
Head: Thodur Oskarsson

A030 Molecular Biology of the Cell II - Molekularbiologie der Zelle II
Head: Ingrid Grummt

A050 Molecular Embryology
Head: Christoph Niers

A100 Signal Transduction and Growth Control - Signaltransduktion/Wachstumskontrolle
Head: Peter Angel
RNA@DKFZ contact: Marina Schorpp-Kistner

A130 Epigenetics - Epigenetik
Head: Frank Lyko
RNA@DKFZ contact: Matthias Schäfer / Francesca Tuorto

A190 Vascular Oncology and Metastasis - Vaskuläre Onkologie und Metastasierung
Head: Hellmut Augustin
RNA@DKFZ contact: Ilse Hofmann

A200 Posttranscriptional Control of Gene Expression - Posttranskriptionelle Genregulation
Georg Stoecklin - Centrum für Biomedizin und Medizintechnik Mannheim (CBTM)

A250 Chaperones and Proteases -Chaperone und Proteasen
Head: Bernd Bukau

A290 Molecular Neurobiology - Molekulare Neurobiologie
Head: Ana Martin-Villalba
RNA@DKFZ contact: Ana Martin-Villalba / Pak Kin Lou

A350 Mechanisms Regulating Gene Expression
Head: Michaela Frye 

A360 Molecular Hematology/Oncology - Molekulare Hematologie/Onkologie
Head: Alwin Krämer

B050 Molecular Genome Analysis - Molekulare Genomanalyse
Head & RNA@DKFZ contact: Stefan Wiemann

B060 Molecular Genetics - Molekulare Genetik
Head: Peter Lichter
RNA@DKFZ contact: Jan Meier / Michael Rogers

B061 Mechanisms of Leukemogenesis - Mechanismen der Leukämogenese
Head & RNA@DKFZ contact: Daniel Mertens

B063 Cancer Genome Research - Krebsgenomforschung
Head: Holger Sültmann

B066 Genome Organization and Function - Genomorganisation und Funktion
Head: Karsten Rippe

B070 Functional Genome Analysis - Funktionelle Genomanalyse
Head: Jörg Hoheisel
RNA@DKFZ contact: Andrea Bauer

B086 Theoretical Systems Biology - Theoretische Systembiologie
Head & RNA@DKFZ contact: Thomas Höfer

B087 Neuroblastoma Genomics
Head: Frank Westermann

B110 Signaling and Functional genomics - Signalwege und funktionelle Genomik
Head: Michael Boutros

B150 RNA Biology and Cancer - RNA Biologie und Krebs
Head & RNA@DKFZ contact: Sven Diederichs

B210 Computional Genome Biology - Rechnergestützte Genombiologie
Head: Bernd Fischer

B230 - Proteomics and Stem Cells
Head: Jeroen Krijgsveld

B250 - Translational Control and Metabolism
Head: Fabrizio Loayza-Puch

B270 - Regulatory Genomics and cancer Evolution
Head: Duncan Odom

B290 - Applied Functional Genomics
Head: Claudia Scholl

B300 Clinical Cooperation Unit Neuropathology - Klinische Kooperationseinheit Neuropathologie
Head: Andreas von Deimling

B320 Neurooncology - Neuroonkologie
Head: Wolfgang Wick

B370 Epigenomics and Cancer Risk Factors - Epigenomik und Krebsrisikofaktoren
Head: Christoph Plass

B380 Soft Tissue Sarkoma
Head: Ana Banito

B390 Precision Sarkoma Research
Head: Priya Chudasama 

C070 Clinical Epidemiology and Aging Research - Klinische Epidemiologie und Altersforschung
Head: Hermann Brenner

C080 Molecular Epidemiology - Molekulare Epidemiologie
Head: Barbara Burwinkel
RNA@DKFZ contact: Katarina Cuk

D150 Immune Diversity
Head: Nina Papavasiliou 

D210 GMP & T Cell Therapy Unit
Head: Stefan Eichmüller 

E210 Translational Radiation Oncology - Translationale Radioonkologie
Head: Amir Abdollahi

F065 Molecular Therapy of Virus-Associated Cancers - Molekulare Therapie virusassozierter Tumore
Head: Felix Hoppe-Seyler
RNA@DKFZ contact: Anja Honegger

F100 Pathogenesis of Virus Associated Tumors - Pathologie infektionsbedingter Tumoren
Head & RNA@DKFZ contact: Henri-Jacques Delecluse

F170 Virus-associated Carciogenesis - Virus-assoziierte Karziogenese
Head: Ralf Bertenschlager

F190 Cell Plasticity and Epigenetic Remodeling
Head: Darjus Tschaharganeh

F200 Episomal persisitierende DNA in Krebs- und chronischen Erkrankungen
Head: Harald zur Hausen

F230 Virotherapy
Head: Guy Ungerechts

G100 Translational Oncology - Translationale Onkologie
Head: Christoph von Kalle
RNA@DKFZ contact: Carolin Blume

G130 Division of Cellular and Molecular Pathology - Zelluläre und Molekulare Pathologie
Head: Hermann-Josef Gröne

W110 Microarray Unit
Head & RNA@DKFZ contact: GPCF; Melanie Bewerunge-Hudler

W180 Bioinformatic (HUSAR)
Head: Karl-Heinz Glatting

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