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We are thankful to our funding agencies for their support:

Deutsche Krebshilfe

 A MultIceNTer PhasE I RNA VaCcine Trial to Exploit NeoePitope-Specific T Cells for the Treatment of H3K27M-Mutated Gliomas – (INTERCEPT H3). 2019 - 2025 

Tumor-associated immunoregulatory NK cells (TANK) as a therapeutic target for cancer immunotherapy 2021-2025

Microglial immune surveillance of oncogenic IDH (CONVINCE-IDH). 2023 - 2026



Deutsches Konsortium für Translationale Krebsforschung

TCR Proof of Concept in cooperation with NCT (TCR-POC)

AMPLIFYing NEOepitope-specific VACcine Responses in progressive diffuse glioma – a randomized, open label, 3 arm multicenter Phase I trial (AMPLIFY-NEOVAC, NOA-21)

Insights into mechanisms of T cell response and resistance in post-treatment multicellular AMPLIFY NEOVAC glioma organoids (AMI2GO) 2021 - 2024

Intraventricular TCR therapy for glioblastoma (INVENT4GB) 2023 - 2026 

Translational research program using longitudinal biosamples from enrolled patients during
intrathecal immunotherapy within the multicenter investigator-inititated IT-PD1/NOA-26 clinical
study (TRUST) 2023-2026

Monitoring the immune modulating effects of combinatorial targeted and immune checkpoint inhibitor treatment (MIMETIC) 2023-2026

PREDICT 2023-2026

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft - CRC 1366


Vascular control of tumor immunity in the CNS. CRC1366. 2023 - 2026

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft - CRC UNITE 1389

Understanding and targeting resistance in glioblastoma. CRC UNITE 1389. 2023 - 2026


Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft - RTG 2099


Hallmarks of Skin Cancer, Tumor Microenvironment and Melanoma Immunity, Response and Resistance to Checkpoint Blockade in melanoma brain metastases. CRC RTG2099. 2019 - 2024

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft - GRK 2727/1


InCheck „Innate Immune Checkpoints in Cancer and Tissue Damage" 2022-2025


 Characterizing and targeting the major histocompatibility complex class II-dependent immunome in brain tumors (COMBAT)- Ca214 2023 - 2026

Hertie Stiftung

Hertie Academy of clinical neuroscience als Kristallisationspunkt für ein Hertie Network of Excellence in clinical neuriscience. 2019 - 2026

The neuroinflammatory role of IL17+ T-cells in response to Aβ in Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy (TIRE-CAA) Seed-Funding 2024-2026

Funding by the European Union


Training the next-generation of European GLIOblastoma (translational) researchers, to RESOLVE precision targeting of the brain tumour microenvironment, Glioresolve, MARIE SKŁODOWSKA-CURIE ACTIONS Doctoral Networks (DN) 2022 - 2026

Characterizing and harnessing tumor-reactive T cells in the brain (CENTRIC BRAIN), ERC Advanced Grant 2024, 2024-2029

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