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Staff Council

The rights and responsibilities governing the work of the Staff Council are stipulated in the Staff Representation Law of the State of Baden-Württemberg.

The reduction in personnel and the effect of this on the working conditions of the staff at the German Cancer Research Center are concerns of ever greater importance for the Staff Council. Efforts are dedicated towards the protection of employees’ rights within the Center and, equally important, drawing the attention of those responsible at Federal and State level to the – from the view-point of the Staff Council – misguided cost-cutting policies in research. The Staff Council supports their demands that the efficiency of government-funded research should be promoted through flexibility in the allocations and through competition between the research institutes. However, because of the immense significance of research for our future, this should not be allowed to cause further job losses and reduced funding.

The Staff Council of the German Cancer Research Center actively supports these aims and is intensively involved in the work of the Association of Factory and Staff Councils of Non-University Research Facilities (AGBR) of the Hermann von Helmholtz Association of National Research Centers. This is evidenced by statements and announcements in which the factory and staff councils critically review the Federal Government’s research policy.


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