Procurement and Materials Management

Our divisions

The combination of centralized and decentralized procurement has proven to be an effective and efficient organizational form for purchasing at the DKFZ: Procurements are generally made centrally by the Procurement/Materials Management division. To speed up procedures, especially in laboratory operations, decentralized procurement (direct ordering) by the requisitioners is also possible if framework agreements with suppliers exist, the goods and services to be procured have been approved for direct ordering by the Purchasing Department in the central electronic catalog and the order value of currently 1,500 euros per order process is not exceeded. The DKFZ uses the catalogue-based ordering system e.biss for this purpose, which contains both the catalog data for decentralized procurement and structured electronic forms for creating procurement requirements as part of centralized procurement.

In centralized procurement, the focus of purchasing activities is on advising requisitioners on product and supplier selection and on designing the award procedures. The scientific and technical expertise of the requisitioners and the product and market knowledge as well as the commercial and legal knowledge of Purchasing and its experience with comparable processes are brought together.

For decentralized procurement, Purchasing lists goods and services in the electronic catalog if they are required for a large number of requesters or on a recurring basis. Numerous product areas are available both to users at the DKFZ and to participants in the purchasing community initiated by the DKFZ's Purchasing department; this results in further purchasing advantages.

This division of the procurement channels ensures a high level of process and object efficiency for the (decentralized) procurement of catalog items through product standardization and electronic order processing, while in the (centralized) procurement areas not covered by catalog items, the focus is on meeting customer requirements.

The materials management team accepts parcel shipments and forwards them to all divisions in the relevant buildings. It also manages the DKFZ's own warehouse, including the chemicals store.

The Commercial IT group manages the IT systems and applications of the administration with a focus on the Center's business processes. It is responsible for the maintenance, further development and operation of these systems. Particular attention is paid to the SAP applications.

The catering team provides DKFZ employees with a varied and reasonably priced range of food that caters as well as possible for the wide variety of eating habits and requirements. Of course, this offer is also available to all guests at the locations in the high-rise building and in the Technology Park. The offer is rounded off by our coffee bar in the pavilion in the Technology Park and our "HotSpot" coffee bar in the foyer of the main building.



Contact us

Contact persons in the division

Our team

Here you will find the contact details of the division

  • Employee image

    Dr. Rolf Zimmermann


  • Employee image

    Lena Fuchs


  • Employee image

    Danny Lörsch

    Querschnittsaufgaben und DV-Organisation

  • Employee image

    Stefan Meißner

    Gruppenleiter Kaufmännische IT

  • Employee image

    Vera Zimmermann

    SAP ERP / SAP GRC / SPI-Projekte

  • Employee image

    Raul Gomez

    SAP ERP / SAP BW / Systemadministration

  • Employee image

    Andreas Sosnowski

    SAP BW / SAP ERP / SPI-Projekte

  • Employee image

    Patrick Seßler

    Loga / Systemadministration

  • Employee image

    Andreas Hetterich

    Systemadministration / Desktop Service

  • Employee image

    Alexander Kerner

    Systemadministration / Desktop Service

  • Employee image

    Timo Gross


  • Employee image

    Patrick Scholz

    Systemadministration / Desktop Service

  • Employee image

    Daniel Hengsbach

    Gruppenleiter Einkauf Investitionsgüter / Dienstleistungen (einschließlich Gerätewirtschaft)

  • Employee image

    Uwe Bartmann

    Gerätewirtschaft / Serviceleistungen

  • Employee image

    Alexander Lüders

    Einkauf EDV Hard- und Software

  • Employee image

    Simone Kneis

    Einkauf Laborgeräte

  • Employee image

    Renate Klaus

    Einkauf Dienstleistungen

  • Employee image

    Daniela Sohn

    Einkauf Laborgeräte

  • Employee image

    Laura Eller

    Einkauf Dienstleistungen

  • Employee image

    Aline Antje Demtröder

    Einkauf EDV Hard- und Software

  • Employee image

    Ursula Rode

    Lager / Einkauf EDV Hard- und Software

  • Employee image

    Dirk Eberle

    Gruppenleiter Einkauf Verbrauchsmaterial (einschließlich Zoll) und Materialwirtschaft (Zentrallager, Chemikalienlager, Warenannahme und -ausgabe)

  • Employee image

    Barbara Belodedow

    Einkauf Bürobedarf / Arbeitsschutz / Büro- und Labormöbel

  • Employee image

    Tania Fertig

    Einkauf Laborverbrauchsmaterial / Chemikalien / Reagenzien / Zollsachbearbeitung

  • Employee image

    Anke Steffens

    Einkauf Laborverbrauchsmaterial / Chemikalien / Reagenzien / Contentmanagement

  • Employee image

    Louisa-Marie Merkel

    Einkauf Laborverbrauchsmaterial / Chemikalien / Reagenzien / Contentmanagement

  • Employee image

    Kerstin Schneider-Schmitt

    Einkauf Laborverbrauchsmaterial / Chemikalien / Reagenzien / Zollsachbearbeitung

  • Employee image

    Silvia Tomschke-Schubert

    Einkauf Laborverbrauchsmaterial / Chemikalien / Gase / Zollsachbearbeitung

  • Employee image

    Andreas Vomstein

  • Employee image

    Matthias Günther

    Einkauf Laborverbrauchsmaterial / Chemikalien / Reagenzien

  • Employee image

    Georg Pougialis

    Einkauf Laborverbrauchsmaterial / Chemikalien / Reagenzien / Contentmanagement

  • Employee image

    Helena Dembeck

    Einkauf Laborverbrauchsmaterial / Chemikalien / Reagenzien

  • Employee image

    Patricia Keller

    Einkauf Bürobedarf / Arbeitsschutz / Büro- und Labormöbel

  • Employee image

    Toni Krudwig

    Lagerleitung / Einkauf Verbrauchsmaterial

  • Employee image

    Jörg Bernhard


  • Employee image

    Andrea Kern


  • Employee image

    Mike Klopatowski

    Lager / Einkauf Verbrauchsmaterial

  • Employee image

    Tobias Maldinger


  • Employee image

    Michael Edward Peacock

    Warenannahme / Reklamationsbearbeitung

  • Employee image

    Markus Kirchner

    Zentrale Warenannahme/-ausgabe

  • Employee image

    Lukas Rathgeb

    Zentrale Warenannahme/-ausgabe

  • Employee image

    Martin Moskorz

    Gruppenleiter e.biss

  • Employee image

    Harald Koch

    Support e.biss

  • Employee image

    Eric Apholte

    Support e.biss

  • Employee image

    Laura Braner

    Support e.biss

  • Employee image

    Laura Ebinger

    Support e.biss

  • Employee image

    Martin Hauschild

    Gruppenleiter Casino

  • Employee image

    Gabriele Malinowski


  • Employee image

    Steffen Seiberth

    Einkauf EDV Hard- und Software

  • Employee image

    André Krummenohl

    Einkauf Dienstleistungen

Get in touch with us

Employee image
Dr. Rolf Zimmermann
Head of Department
Employee image
Lena Fuchs

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