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Compliance Whistleblowing System

The new Whistleblower Protection Act (HinSchG) is intended to ensure effective protection for whistleblowers who have obtained information about violations of the law in the course of their professional activities and have passed this information on to internal or external reporting bodies. Its intend is also to exclude any disadvantages for these whistleblowers.

DKFZ has established an internal reporting office to implement the law and has appointed a Compliance Ombudsperson who is a lawyer. This enables whistleblowers to turn in confidence to the Compliance Ombudsperson as a neutral body.

If you contact the Compliance Ombudsperson, she will contact you after careful examination of your report and, if necessary, take further steps. In any case, she will proceed in such a way that you, as the whistleblower, do not suffer any disadvantage from your report.

The role of the Compliance Ombudsperson is taken over by lawyer Dr. Stephanie Troßbach.

Her contact information:

Catus Law + Compliance
Lawyer Dr. Stephanie Troßbach
Thurn-und-Taxis-Platz 6 (29. Stock), 60313 Frankfurt a. M.
Phone: +49 (069) 153224514

An external reporting office set up by the federal government at the Federal Office of Justice (only available in German) is available for external reports under the Whistleblower Protection Act. There are also reporting offices at the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority and the Federal Cartel Office.

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