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MR-guided Therapy

MR Image Guidance – Non-invasive Visualization of Targets and Organs at Risk

To provide optimum outcome for patients, accurate and safe delivery of therapeutic procedures is mandatory. Image guidance enables visualization of targets and organs at risk. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) provides excellent soft tissue contrast and allows for non-invasive monitoring of crucial parameters during treatment (e.g., organ size and position, filling of organs, or respiratory motion, etc.). Therefore, MRI is excellently suitable for guidance of therapies, such as radiotherapy with photons or particles. The aim of this project group is to develop MR imaging hardware and methods, to enable and improve guidance of therapeutic methods.

RF imaging coil (yellow) for the application in radiation therapy planning and therapy

Research Topics

  • Development and advancement of image guidance techniques which can be applied during therapy e.g. radiation therapy with photons or particles
  • Motion detection and quantification as well as breathing motion prediction for MR-guided Radiotherapy (MRgRT)
  • Development of radiofrequency (RF) imaging coils for the application in radiation therapy planning and therapy
  • Anthropomorphic phantoms


Currently, our group participates in the following consortia project:

ARTEMIS - Adaptive radiotherapy with MR-guided ion beams (link), funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)

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