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Metabolomics Core Technology Platform

The Metabolomics Core Technology Platform (MCTP) is a DFG-registered core facility of Heidelberg University and officially collaborates with DKFZ. It is localized within the Centre for Organismal Studies.
We offer a broad range of qualitative and quantitative metabolomics services from diverse sample matrices to all DKFZ groups as internal users.

Depending on the requirements of your project, we offer tailor-made solutions as well as standardized Metabolomics assays, e.g.:

  • Comparative metabolite screening of central carbon and nitrogen metabolism
  • Single compound analysis
  • Targeted metabolite profiling


Where to find us:

Im Neuenheimer Feld 360 (in the Botanical Garden)
Room -118
D- 69 120 Heidelberg

Who to contact:

Dr. Gernot Poschet

Dr. Glynis Klinke

Examples of established targeted analyses of diverse metabolite classes:

  • Carbohydrates / Sugars
  • Citrate cycle compounds (Dicarboxylic organic acids, e.g. Malate, Fumarate, Citrate)
  • α-Ketoacids (e.g. Pyruvate, Ketoglutarate)
  • Amino acids
  • Polyamines
  • Nucleotides (e.g. AMP, ADP, ATP, GTP, CTP, UTP)
  • Thiols (Glutathione - GSH/GSSG - and Cysteine)
  • Polyphenols (e.g. Phytoestrogenes, Flavonols)

A detailed list of all compounds determined so far is available upon request.
For analyses of specific metabolites or biomarkers, please contact the MCTP.
Our service includes extraction, separation,detection of metabolites, and basic bio-informatic data analysis. Results are usually provided as Excel spreadsheet.

Curious about MCTP services and how we work? For more information, please refer to our website Metabolomics Core Technology Platform - Universität Heidelberg


How to initiate a project:

  1. For new projects, we kindly ask you to contact us for a project discussion in order to define suitable analyses and plan experimental details if necessary.
  2. Please read carefully the "General guideline for metabolite analyses" with specified requirements for metabolite analyses.
  3. For general information on the MTCP's services as well as users' rights and duties please see our "End-user license agreement". New customers are requested to bring a signed copy of the EULA when submitting the first sample set.
  4. Submission of a Service Request via our easy-to-use online booking system. This is mandatory before submission of samples:

    MCTP Booking System

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