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Head of Division

Prof. Dr. med., Dipl.- Phys. Heinz-Peter Schlemmer



Prof. Dr. med. Stefan Delorme
Vice Head of Division

Administrative Office Professor Schlemmer

Sarah Koch





Raffaela Petrone





Senior Physicians

Prof. Dr. med. David Bonekamp

Prof. Dr. med. David Bonekamp
Senior Physician - Coordination of Science

Prof. Dr. med. Dr. rer. nat. Christian Ziener

Prof. Dr. med. Dr. rer. nat. Christian Ziener
Senior Physician - Personnel

Dr. med. Bettina Beuthien-Baumann
Consultant Nuclear Medicine

Group leader PET/MRI

Prof. Dr. med. Johann Jende
Medical responsible for 7 Tesla MRI

Dr. med. Oliver Sedlaczek

Residents / Researchers

Dr. med. Philip Glemser

Dr. med. Martin Grözinger

Julius Holzschuh

Myriam Keymling

Myriam Keymling

Clara Meinzer

Christian Neelsen

Dr. rer. nat. Martin Niklas

Dr. med. Lukas Rotkopf

Dr. med. Heidi Thierjung

Dr. med. Markus Wennmann

Dr. med. Markus Wennmann

Dr. med. Kevin Zhang

Medical Technicians

René Hertel

René Hertel
Senior Medical Technician

Regula Gnirs
Vice Senior Medical Technician

Janina Biazeck

Isabell Blume-Balasubramaniam

Isabell Blume-Balasubramaniam

Verena Habetler

Martina Jochim

Susanne Metzner

Susanne Metzner

Marina Lichtermann

Anne-Mareike Rau

Marina Schuricht

Heike Streib-Retzbach

Marek Wolski


Achim Schoofs
IT-Adminitrator / QMB



Ignaz Reicht

Ignaz Reicht
Clinical IT/ W-PACS Administration



Patient Administration

Tanja Bauer
Group leader





Derya Demiroglu

Deonila Dragaj

Stefanie Goss

Claudia Müller

Study Nurse

Vanessa Peregovich
Senior Study Nurse





Jessica Engelhart
Study Nurse





Project Coordination (Research)

Hanna Leisz

Clinician Scientists

Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. Dipl.-Phys. Daniel Paech

Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. Dipl.-Phys. Daniel Paech
Senior Clinician Scientist

Responsible for DFG-Study

Dr. med. Nikolaus von Knebel Doeberitz
Clinician Scientist

Julius Holzschuh
Clinician Scientist

External Cooperation Partner

Prof. Dr. med. Jens Hillengaß

Roswell Park Cancer Center in Buffalo, NY

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