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Head of Division

Prof. Dr. Hedda Wardemann
Head of Division


+49 (0)6221 42 1270

Administrative Assistant

Tim Pufall


+49 (0)6221 42 1272


Nyssa Cullin
Scientific Project Management

Christian Busse


+49 (0)6221 42 1271

Julia Ludwig

Zhe Li

Ilka Wahl

Opeyemi Ernest Oludada

Theresa Kissel

PhD students

Anna Obraztcova

Joshua Malapit

Sandro Hoffmann

Hannah van Dijk

Kassandra Hoetzel

Students & Interns

Leonard Lintzen

Lilith Weimer

Phuong Mai Tran


Yasmin Bergmann


+49 (0)6221 42 1273

Christine Niesik


+49 (0)6221 42 1273

Dorien Foster


+49 (0)6221 42 1277


Irene Nailain Nkumama

Rajagopal Murugan

Julia Gärtner

Francisco Arcila Salamanca

Mustafa Ghulam

Katharina Imkeller

Gianna Triller

Tim Rollenske

Prince Yalley

Natalie Zimmermann

Gemma Pidelaserra-Martí

Karsten Warwas

Julian Schliehe-Diecks

Anja Ichters

Tizian Decker

Silke Schmidt

Friederike Korn

Alisa Knauf

Julia Puchan

Rebecca Hundsdorfer

Ann-Kathrin Huber

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