Dr. Christian Busse

Senior Scientist

About NFDI4Immuno

The immune system plays a fundamental role in health and disease and efficiently protects vertebrate hosts from infections and cancer. However, failures in its regulation can cause autoimmunity, allergy, immunodeficiencies and malignancies. To understand the mechanisms underlying these processes and how they can be manipulated for the benefit of humans and animals, immunologists use a wide range of experimental methods. The efficient handling of thereby generated data, so that they meet the scientific demands for reproducibility and reusability, is currently one of the key challenges for immunological research. NFDI4Immuno aims to initiate and shape the necessary transformation process together with our community. Our 15 partner institutions (10 co-applicants and 5 participants) ensure the broad anchoring in the scientific community as a whole as well as in the respective thematic domains


  • Harmonize data representations, metadata standards, ontologies and programmatic interfaces within NFDI
  • Facilitate NFDI-wide queries and cross-references
  • Provide consistent metadata annotation to existing and new data sets and make them available through our repositories
  • Enable and support users to utilize the resources provided by NFDI4Immuno
  • Promote the adoption of FAIR practices by the immunological community, in support of the cultural change towards Open Science
  • Build and operate a network of federated repositories for immunological data
  • Develop tools and services that will facilitate standardized and reproducible data analyses

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