- Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChRIP) Assay (PDF | 90,35 KB)
- PAR clip (PDF | 771,66 KB)
- Pull-down of RNA binding proteins with immobilized biotinylated transcripts (PDF | 205,36 KB)
- RNA immunoprecipitation (RIP) (PDF | 83,50 KB)
- Pull-down of RNA with GFP]tagged immobilized proteins (PDF | 180,10 KB)
- Isolation of nascent transcripts (PDF | 186,12 KB)
- Click-iT® RNA Imaging Kits (PDF | 662,93 KB)
- DNA Gel Extraction (PDF | 79,78 KB)
- TERRA FISH with Dig-labeled DNA probe + IF (PDF | 93,00 KB)
- NEBNext® Multiplex Small RNA (PDF | 577,31 KB)
- Phenol Extraction (PDF | 75,82 KB)
- Ribo-Zero™ Magnetic Kit (PDF | 695,96 KB)
- RNA Isolation (PDF | 90,78 KB)
- Sucrose gradient with long chromatin fragments (RNase free) (PDF | 91,57 KB)
- Encore® Complete RNA-Seq (PDF | 831,30 KB)
- Immunoprecipitation with AGO (PDF | 82,44 KB)
- miRNA extraction from liquid samples (plasma/serum) (PDF | 83,34 KB)
- MicroRNA Mimic/Inhibitor Transfection with Lipofectamine (PDF | 80,37 KB)
- Reverse transcription and real time PCR miRNA (PDF | 78,66 KB)
- TLDA: TaqMan® Array MicroRNA Cards (PDF | 215,42 KB)