Stable isogenic recombinant (Sir) cell lines
The stable isogenic cell line service provides highly standardized cell line models for functional analysis and high throughput screening.
By integration of a specific recombination site in our host cell lines, inducible expression constructs can be stably inserted in a defined genomic locus. The resulting expression cell lines maintain the same genetic background except for the respective expression construct, as all constructs are inserted into the same genomic locus. Compared to classical transfection based approaches the Sir cell line technology offers advantages which increase sensitivity and reproducibility of the datasets.

- Global analysis of changes in :
- mRNA expression
- microRNA expression
- methylation pattern
- protein expression (SILAC)
- In vivo testing for functional consequences
- Cellular Assays
- Pathway analysis
- Small molecules / drug screening
- RNAi-Screening
Our services
- Assistance in experimental design
- Sample preparation starting from gateway® entry-clone
- Recombination in host cell lines
- Clonal selection
- Expansion of single cell colonies
- Provision of up to 5 single cell clones
YOU supply
As starting material we need your verified construct (genes / miRNAs / shRNAs / TF reporter constructs ) as plasmid in a gateway entry-vector. For your convenience a large collection of human gateway ORF clones is availlable at the GPCF Vector and Clone Repository.
The DKFZ Sir cell line service is currently expanding the collection of host cell lines to cover more tissues and applications.
Please contact Dr. Rainer Will for project development and detailed pricing information.