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Cellular Tools

Cellular Tools Core Facility

The Cellular Tools Core offers standardized vector and clone resources as well as modular services for cell-based gain- and loss-of-function technologies.  All service modules are offered as stand-alone services, in combination, or as a complete service pipeline, to give you a maximum of flexibility and support. 

Our Toolbox for your research

Vector and Clone Repository

Gateway Shuttle Service

  • we shuttle your ORF, miRNA, shRNA, etc. of choice into appropriate Destination vectors for mammalian, viral, insect and yeast expression
  • We provide you with validated bacterial strains, transfection ready DNA and vector maps

Virus Transduction Service

  • generation of retro- and lentiviral particles
  • viral transduction of target cell lines
  • complete administration of biosafety procedures and full documentation (BIDS)
    S1 in and S1 out – we stably express your required construct in the cell line of your choice

Stable Isogenic Cell Line Service

  • standardized cell lines, with save harbor integration (AAVS1 human; Rosa26 mouse) for functional analysis and high throughput screening
  • You select our gene of interest gene of interest, we integrate the ORF into your cell line of choice for stable expression of the encoded protein. We provide you with the cell line with verified (Sanger sequencing) integration sites.

Single Cell Dispensing Service 

  • dispensing of single cells into 96 – or 384 well plates with excellent cell viability and zero  crosscontamination
  • FDA approved assurance of clonality during spotting runs
  • Low throughput sorting of green fluorescent single cells based on fluorescence intensities Full reporting of procedures and QC.

CRISPR/ Cas9 K.O Service

  • sgRNA and SpCas9 protein based Genome Editing Service for the custom generation of knock-out cell lines by Frameshift insertions / deletions
  • Provision of bulk cell lines or of individual clones
  • Validation of frameshift mutations by Sanger sequencing (on request)
  • Full reporting of procedures and QC.

Our Service pipeline

Please feel free contact us for consultation and more information

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