Basic workflow
Our analysis is based on peptides gained by enzymatic cleavage of proteins. The customer needs to provide a protein lysate, the protein concentration and the exact buffer composition (please contact us in advance to find an appropriate lysis method and buffer for best downstream analysis).


Mass Spectrometers
Our facility is equipped with one of the latest generation Orbitrap-based mass spectrometers, the Orbitrap Exploris 480 (Thermo Fisher Scientific). This instrument features high-sensitivity and scanning speed combined with sub-ppm mass accuracy and high resolution, making it perfectly suited for high-throughput proteome analysis with optimal data quality.

HPLC systems
The peptides analyzed in our mass spectrometer are online seperated in before using the Ultimate-3000 nano-Flow device (Thermo Fisher Scientific). This allows in-depth analysis of complex samples in single LC-MS runs.
The same Ultimate-3000 unit in an analytical flow setup is used for prior offline fractionation of peptides, used e.g. in Phosphoproteomics workflows.